Hi was wondering in any one could help as this is an ongoing issue for me. Even after reinstalling windows 11. Trying to update windows, update available is Windows 11 version 23H2. It downloads...
11 月 3 日消息,微软于 10 月 31 日发布了 Windows 11 23H2 更新,用户可以通过 Windows Update 或者官方网站下载正式的镜像文件等方式,进行全新安装或者升级安装,此次更新重点引入了名为 Copilot 的 AI 聊天机器人。 不过用户反馈在安装Win11 23H2 之后遇到了诸多问题,IT之家根据 borncity 报道,汇总信息如下: ...
Since we have updated our devices from Windows 10 to Windows 11 version 23H2. Many users are reporting that the updates are getting failed. Even we admin also faced the same issue in our test machines. Eventually patch is getting installed after few failed attempts. Is any one else...
用戶端:Windows 11,版本 23H2,Windows 11,版本 22H2;Windows 11,版本 21H2 回到頁首 回報Windows 更新的問題 若要隨時向Microsoft回報問題,請使用意見反應中樞應用程式。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱使用意見反應中樞應用程式將意見反應傳送至Microsoft。 需要Windows Update 的協助嗎?
Samsung Update has stopped working correctly and seems to be incompatible with Windows 11 v23H2. Does anyone have it working ok at this version
Hi All, I have an issues when upgrading Windows 11 from 21H2 to 22H2 - and wanted to know if anyone else also had that experience. I have setup Windows 11...
Home & Student version. The one with 2021 Office has got updated to 23H2 automatically in due course. Another one with 2016 Office has not yet showed up that the laptop is eligible to update to 23H2. What should be done in the case of the laptop with 2016 Office to update to 23H2?
I tried in vain to get the 23H2 update on my ARM64 install of Windows 11 Pro. A bit of searching leads me to believe that 23H2 requires DirectX 12, and therefor
22H2 and 23H2. Note that 23H2 will always contain the improvements for the supported editions of 22H2. However, the supported editions of 22H2 will not contain the improvements for 23H2. The update history page will provide you with the build numbers for 22H2 and 23H...
23H2 正式版的启用包,卸载更新中启用包显示为“Feature Update forWindows 11 23H2via Enablement ...