“Windows Setup could not configure Windows on this computer’s hardware” 原因 使用高级格式化 (AF) 硬盘进行安装时将出现此问题。 Windows 7 不包含这些驱动程序。 解决方法 两种解决方法可供选择。 1. 使用 Windows 7 SP1 安装介质。 添加作为 SP1 部件的驱动程序。
AT[\\computername]time[/INTERACTIVE][/EVERY:date[,...]|/NEXT:date[,...]]"command" at的执行如下 schtasks一些参数: 代码语言:javascript 复制 schtasks/create/tn TaskName/tr TaskRun/sc schedule[/mo modifier][/d day][/m month[,month...][/i IdleTime][/st StartTime][/sd StartDate][/...
电子邮件、电话或 Skype 没有帐户?创建一个! 无法访问您的帐户? 登录选项
schtasks /create /sc weekly /d FRI /tn "auto reboot computer weekly" /st 23:00 /tr "shutdown -r -f -t 10"为了补充您的每周重启,您可以安排任务以在启动时启动特定程序:schtasks /create /sc onstart /tn "launch Chrome on startup" /tr "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\...
Note that this method won’t pan out if Windows came preinstalled on your computer. Type “Run” into the Windows search box and launch the app. Type “Slui 4” into the dialog box and hitEnter. Select yourcountryorregionfrom the list and hit theNextbutton. ...
computer. They do not know enough about computers, let alone Windows NT, to do much else. Fortunately, this corrects the symptoms in most cases, but it does not solve the underlying problem.Being able to run or work on a Windows NT system does not mean you have to understand the ...
Clicking link in MS Word 2010 receives error "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" ClickOnce application does not start from from desktop shortcut but start from a command line ClickOnce Application installation Cli...
1.From your desktop, press theWindows key next to the spacebar+R. This will bring up a dialog box. 2.In the text field of the box, typetpm.mscand hitEnter. This should bring up a new window labelled "TPM Management on Local Computer." ...