By the timeyou successfully turn on the BitLocker and encrypt your drive, you can modify your password or back up your key file on the page showing below. Option 2: Turn on BitLocker from Command Prompt In case your Turn on BitLocker function does not work on Windows 10, you ...
按Enter键或单击列表中的管理 BitLocker 图标。 硬盘路径 打开计算机或我的电脑 选择C:\(或 Windows 计算机)驱动器。 右键单击您选择的驱动器。 单击开启 BitLocker。 提醒:这将跳过初始 BitLocker 屏幕。 在“BitLocker 管理”屏幕中,单击启用BitLocker。 图3:(仅英文)单击“Turn on BitLocker” BitLocker 将经历...
This tutorial will not only show you how to enable/turn on BitLocker in Windows 10/11 Home edition step by step with Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere, but also introduce several other ways you can enable/turn on BitLocker in Windows 10/11.
Tutorial to Enable/Turn On BitLocker in Windows 11 Home Edition. Step 1. Download, install and launch Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere For Windows, right-click the drive letter you want to encrypt, then click "Turn On BitLocker". Step 2. In this step, you are required to specify a password for...
Turn On or Off BitLocker for Removable Data Drives in Windows 10 (BitLocker To Go) For extra protection, Windows 10 allows enabling BitLocker for removable data drives. Also known as 'BitLocker To Go', this feature includes the encryption of USB flash drives, SD cards, external hard disk dri...
进入“Control Panel” ->“System and Security” ->“BitLocker Drive Encryption”,即可看到所有本地硬盘设备,只需在相应硬盘后点击“Turn On BitLocker” 即可。 4. 组策略设置 在Windows 7 中为BitLocker 提供了丰富的组策略,用户可以按其需要进行设置,这里不再一一介绍。
进入“Control Panel” ->“System and Security” ->“BitLocker Drive Encryption”,即可看到所有本地硬盘设备,只需在相应硬盘后点击“Turn On BitLocker” 即可。 4. 组策略设置 在Windows 7 中为BitLocker 提供了丰富的组策略,用户可以按其需要进行设置,这里不再一一介绍。
Windows on Bootcamp cannot turn on BitLocker Hi! When I attempt to turn on BitLocker on Windows on my Bootcamp partition, I receive the following error: "bitlocker setup requires the drive file system to be ntfs. convert the file system and run bitlocker setup again". But my C drive is...
This tutorial will show you how to turn on BitLocker Drive Encryption for an operating system drive in Windows 11. BitLocker Drive Encryption is a data...
设备加密是一项 Windows 功能,可自动为操作系统驱动器和固定驱动器启用 BitLocker 加密。 对于想要确保个人信息安全而无需管理复杂安全设置的日常用户来说,这尤其有益。 首次使用Microsoft帐户或工作或学校帐户登录或设置设备时,设备加密处于打开状态,并将恢复密钥附加到该帐户。 如果使用本地帐户,设备加密不会自动打开。