另外zh-hant、cht、Chinese-Trad.也是表示繁体中文。三、语言标签Language tags 其实上面文件命名中出现的语言标签是有统一标准的,由于历史原因,关于语言标签的表示极其繁杂,涉及到浏览器中的超文本标记语言(HTML)、可扩展标记语言(XML)中的相关定义,它们由IETF的BCP 47规定,我们可以在IANA Language Subtag Regis...
Chinese Traditional 中文(繁體) Any language Croatian hrvatski Any language Czech čeština Any language Danish dansk Any language Dutch Nederlands Any language English English Any language Estonian eesti Any language Filipino Filipino English (United States) Finnish suomi Any ...
Arabic Language Pack - Windows 7 Release Candidate (KB967828) Bulgarian Language Pack - Windows 7 Release Candidate (KB967828) Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack - Windows 7 Release Candidate (KB967828) Chinese (Traditional) Language Pack - Windows 7 Release Candidate (KB967828) Czech Language Pack...
Chinese (Simplified):windows6.1-kb972813-x64-zh-cn_a649e9af1e28514d48bdc51f7956be08060e54bc.exe Chinese (Traditional):windows6.1-kb972813-x64-zh-hk_d428bc1cca4aea20163936e6687221c0e6b99ec4.exe Croatian:windows6.1-kb972813-x64-hr-hr_06468f799a1c1f295bc3abbc85c14116e2645122.exe ...
Chinese - Singapore zh-CN: Microsoft Pinyin - Simple Fast (0804:{81D4E9C9-1D3B-41BC-9E6C-4B40BF79E35E}{FA550B04-5AD7-411f-A5AC-CA038EC515D7}) Chinese - Taiwan For Windows 8: zh-TW: Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic (0404:{531FDEBF-9B4C-4A43-A2AA-960E8FCDC732}{B2F9C50...
Chinese - Singapore zh-CN: Microsoft Pinyin - Simple Fast (0804:{81D4E9C9-1D3B-41BC-9E6C-4B40BF79E35E}{FA550B04-5AD7-411f-A5AC-CA038EC515D7}) Chinese - Taiwan For Windows 8: zh-TW: Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic (0404:{531FDEBF-9B4C-4A43-A2AA-960E8FCDC732}{B2F9C50...
For text-to-speech, I was able to get the both Cantonese and Mandarin voices for Traditional Chinese by going to the "Region & language" section, removing Hong Kong, adding and removing Taiwan, then adding Hong Kong again. You see the results here: three female and three male voices. ...
234578 Installation method: only support V1709 version and install tooling by: runlpksetup.exe Download links: Chinese – Traditional: For 32-bit http://download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/updt/2017/10/lp_27d2885d1ac87af5aac3da39974d1d3c71ee1a48.cab ...
You install the Traditional Chinese language pack on a computer that is running Windows 7. You install some services that execute Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) queries during the startup process. You restart the computer. In this scenario, you experience a delay of approximately two minut...
An introduction to Chinese language features in Windows 7 and Vista, with basic setup information to help you get started, including pinyin IME, fonts, Language Packs, wallpaper and other features.