描述 管理用于在标识提供者中对用户进行身份验证的本地用户标识密钥和 TPM 虚拟智能卡。 如果你禁用此服务,系统将无法访问本地用户标识密钥和 TPM 虚拟智能卡。 建议不要重新配置此服务。 安装 仅用于桌面体验 启动类型 Manual 建议 可以禁用 备注 None Microsoft 软件卷影复制提供程序 ...
The Security processor settings under the Device Security page in the Windows Security app provide details about the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on your device. The TPM is a hardware component designed to enhance security by performing cryptographic operations. ...
裝置健康情況證明模組可以將受信賴平臺模組保護的測量開機數據 (TPM) 通訊至遠端服務。 裝置成功開機之後,開機程式測量數據會傳送至受信任的雲端服務 (健康情況證明服務) 使用更安全且防竄改的通道。遠端健康情況證明服務會對度量執行一系列的檢查。 它會驗證安全性相關數據點,包括安全開機 (開機狀態、偵錯...
TPMTrusted Platform Module (TPM)version 2.0.Check herefor instructions on how your PC might be enabled to meet this requirement. Graphics cardCompatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver. DisplayHigh definition (720p) display that is greater than 9” diagonally, 8 bits per color ...
Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService Windows.ApplicationModel.Background Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat ...
$WinPeDriver$ 的限制 LoadLibrary 函式會在模擬線程上傳回STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND錯誤 Intel SMBus 控制器裝置的功能遺失 媒體裝置無法使用 Msinfo32.exe報告適配卡 RAM 的錯誤值 不符合規範的 USB 3.0 裝置無法運作 看不到 [電源管理] 索引標籤 執行TPM 管理主控台失敗 「作業逾時」錯誤 卸...
WuDriverUpdateId 适用的上层驱动程序的 Windows 更新 ID。 WuPopulatedFromId 基于Windows 更新的驱动程序覆盖范围的预期上层驱动程序匹配 ID。Microsoft.Windows.Appraiser.General.DatasourceDevicePnpRemove此事件指示 DatasourceDevicePnp 对象不再存在。 随此事件收集的数据用于帮助使 Windows 保持最新状态。此...
GetNameAsync() Returns the smart card's minidriver name. RequestAttestedVirtualSmartCardCreationAsync(String, IBuffer, SmartCardPinPolicy, Guid) Creates an attested Trusted Platform Module (TPM) virtual smart card with the specified parameters. RequestAttestedVirtualSmartCardCreationAsync(String, IBuffer...
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) driver for this product is provided by Microsoft within your Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit) and Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) installation. Please use the Windows 8 or Windows 7 Inbox driver whichever is applicable. What is Inb...
TPM 2.0 A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) helps prevent unwanted tampering. Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0, which provides next-gen security and privacy for you, your apps and your system’s hardware.21 Advanced network security Windows 11 has an improved experience and protocols, including more secur...