It is better for you to use the tool if you have used timer resolution or another such app before. It can improve the capability of FPS in your game and you can win contests easily. It depends on the CPU capacity; the CPU with a powerful capacity better helps you to solve the ...
Set the Timer Resolution With Ease As the tool’s name suggests, it will enable you to set the resolution of the timer to another value. It is helpful when you want to alter the resolution to give you an advantage when playing games. ...
Platform Timer Resolution in Windows 10 Support Platform Timer Resolution: hallo i have a pc with haswell 4790 and z97 asrock. When i run with cmd the command powercfg -energy duration 5: I take that platform time resolution is idle and 15.6 sec. If i open the timer tool version 3 it...
ExQueryTimerResolution ExQueryTimerResolution 例程报告系统时钟支持的计时器分辨率范围。 ExQueueWorkItem ExQueueWorkItem 将给定的工作项插入队列中,系统工作线程从该队列中删除该项,并向调用方提供给 ExInitializeWorkItem 的例程提供控制权。 ExRaiseStatus ExRaiseStatus 例程由提供结构化异常处理程序的驱动程序调用,...
TimerResolution is an application to change the resolution of the default windows timer.Developer: Lucas Hale software by Lucas Hale → Price: 0.00 License: Freeware File size: 0K Language: OS: Windows XP/Vista (?) Rating: 0 /5 (0 votes) ...
HardwareWatchdogTimerGeneratedLastReset 指出硬體看門狗計時器是否造成上次重設。 HardwareWatchdogTimerPresent 指出硬體看門狗計時器是否存在。 InvalidBootStat 這是可確保 bootstat 檔案有效性的例行性檢查旗標。 LastBugCheckBootId 最後一個擷取毀損的 bootId。 LastBugCheckCode 代碼,表示錯誤類型。 LastBugCheckCon...
git clone cd .\TimerResolution\ # x64 $env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET = "x64-windows" # install dependencies vcpkg install # replace "SetTimerResolution" with "MeasureSleep" if desired MSBuild.exe .\TimerResolution.sln -p:Configuration=Release -...
A Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) driver can call theWdfTimerCreatemethod to create a high-resolution timer. In this call, the driver passes a pointer to aWDF_TIMER_CONFIGstructure as a parameter. To create a high-resolution timer, the driver sets theUseHighResolutionTimermember of this ...
TimerTool Little tool to get and set the windows system timer values. It uses the following WinAPI methods to retrieve and set the values: NtQueryTimerResolution NtSetTimerResolution TimeBeginPeriod TimeEndPeriod It can also set 0.5 ms as timer resolution. ...
which essentially just reads the low resolution time-of-day value that Windows maintains. Reading this global variable is naturally very quick - around 6 cycles according to reported information. This time-of-day value is updated at a constant rate regardless of how the timer interrupt has been...