If you’re on Windows 11/10, and you’re seeing this error sayingThe Audio Service is not running, you’re not alone. Many Windows users are reporting it. But the good news is you can fix it. 2 fixes for ‘The Audio Service is not running’: Modify the audio related services settin...
I just keep getting 'One or more audio service isn't running' under Sound settings. I have been in Services and Windows Audio does not allow me to restart under Local Computer. I have tried to override this as mentioned on Windows Support under Register Editor and again still no joy. I ...
请右键计算机(XP是我的电脑)---管理---服务和应用程序---找到Windows Audio服务---查看启动类型是否为自动,如无法更改请依次启用与之有依存关系的服务,
Remote Procedure Call 然后再启动Windows Audio “控制面板”的“管理工具”的“服务”里也不存在“Windows Audio”服务(服务名AudioSrv,管理基于 Windows 的程序的音频设备,默认是存在并且自动运行的)。症状:XP没有声音,并且“控制面板”的“管理工具”的“服务”里也不存在“Windows Audio”服务(服...
声音服务如果出了问题,那可能是声卡或者声卡驱动有损坏,建议去检查下声卡驱动和声卡。望采纳 :-D
Fix 2: Restart your audio services 1) PresstheWindows logo key andRtogether to invoke the Run box. 2) Typeservices.mscand clickOK. 3) Find and right-click onWindows Audio, then clickRestart. Note:If the Restart option grayed out, your Windows Audio service is not running, clickStartinstea...
Type in services.msc and click on the OK button. This is going to launch the Services window, which might take a few seconds to fully load. Right-click on the Windows Audio service and choose Properties. Set the Startup type to Automatic. If the service isn’t running, click on the ...
Microsoft provides a Fix it tool for sound issues in Windows operating systems. For more information, see theMicrosoft Fix it tool page. If the issue still persists, check if the Windows audio service is running within the Windows virtual machine: ...
This problem has persisted for some time now. I don't remember when I updated my laptop, but it was probably somewhere in the first 5 months of 2023. After it happened, literally have not been able to hear any audio come out of my speakers. I can't even
!!因为win8测试版不是提供给我们这些普通人使用的,更多的是提供给厂商进行驱动兼容性优化测试用的,就是试验的样品,懂了吧。我也玩了win8,不过是用虚拟机。win8下QQ拼音这个软件可以在ie等软件下运行,但是记事本上去打不了字。。。 不过win8自带的拼音输入法很NB,不亚于QQ拼音、搜狗拼音。