建议:自动 41.●显示名称:Portable Media Serial Number Service ◎进程名称:svchost.exe -k netsvcs ◎ 微软描述:Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. If this service is stopped, protected content might not be down loaded to the device. ◎补充描述:Wm...
建议:自动 41.●显示名称:Portable Media Serial Number Service ◎进程名称:svchost.exe -k netsvcs ◎ 微软描述:Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. If this service is stopped, protected content might not be down loaded to the device. ◎补充描述:Wm...
# 安装所有常用工具和字体 scoop install git scoop bucket add extras scoop bucket add java scoop bucket add nerd-fonts scoop bucket add nonportable scoop bucket add versions scoop install adb curl fiddler ffmpeg git emacs iperf3 wget yt-dlp coredns tftpd bind telnet clink nmap winmtr scoop insta...
tftpd 未安裝 停用 停用 停用 「Trivial FTP Daemon」(TFTP) 系統服務不需要使用者名稱或密碼,是個 RIS 的整合元件。「Trivial FTP Daemon」服務支援下列 RFC 定義的 TFTP 通訊協定: - RFC 1350 - TFTP - RFC 2347 - Option extension - RFC 2348 - Block size option - RFC 2349 - Timeout interval and...
The most common way to quickly run a TFTP server on Windows is to use the free open-sourcetftpd64(tftpd32) tool. You can download the tftpd64 portable or installation packagehere. Run the executable filetftpd64.exe; There are several tabs in the tftpd64 interface. In theTFTP Servertab...
net.exe;cmd.exe;tftp.exe;netstat.exe;regedit.exe;at.exe;attrib.exe;cacls.exe;format.com; regsvr32.exe;xcopy.exe;wscript.exe;cscript.exe;ftp.exe;telnet.exe;arp.exe;edlin.exe; ping.exe;route.exe;finger.exe;posix.exe;rsh.exe;atsvc.exe;qbasic.exe;runonce.exe;syskey.exe ...
注:除系统默认的设置外,普通配置是指一般情况下的使用;网络配置是指即上互联网又在局域网当中;单机配置是指没联任何网络的单个机器;极端配置是指追求尽可能多的机器资源所做的调整。 1、Alerter 服务名称:Alerter 进程名称:services.exe 功能说明:这个服务是当系统发生故障时向管理员发送警报,或向用户发送出错信息。
Windows Server Windows 2000 Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Security Configuration Guide Microsoft Windows 2000 Security Hardening Guide Overview: Windows 2000 Common Criteria Certification Securing Windows 2000 Server Chapter 1: Introduction to Securing Windows 2000 Server Chapter 2: Defining the Security Landsc...
Keywords: file transfer, network administration, user-friendly, syslog, Syslog server, Philippe Jounin, TFTP client, server, Tftpd32 Portable, FTP server, FTP, reliable, TFTP server, software review Author: Philippe Jounin Author URL: https://pjo2.github.io/Download...
WIM / GHO :Windows镜像 和 GHOST FTP / TFTP / DHCP :这三个都得了解 1. 2. 3. 4. 一、软件介绍 首先介绍需要用到的软件: Serva The Best PXE Server for MS Windows Automated PXE Server Solution Acceleratorbased on an all-in-one portable multi-server engine. ...