推荐使用Windows Terminal、Cmder等现代化的终端模拟器,它们对颜色渲染的支持更好。 修改颜色配置:在Bash中,可以通过修改终端的颜色配置文件来解决颜色渲染问题。具体操作步骤如下: 打开Bash终端。 进入用户目录,例如:cd ~ 编辑.bashrc文件,例如:vi .bashrc 在文件末尾添加以下内容:export TERM=xterm-256color ...
6.5 通过配置~.minttyrc可以让mintty的默认颜色变好看,例如我的设置是这样: Font=Monaco for Powerline FontHeight=10 Locale=zh_CN Charset=UTF-8 Transparency=low FontIsBold=no Rows=39 ClicksPlaceCursor=yes BoldAsFont=yes Term=xterm-256color BoldAsColour=yes Black=0,0,0 Red=220,50,47 Green=133...
创建msys2.cmd @echo off setlocal set PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit REM set TERM=xterm-256color set MSYSROOT=C:\tools\msys64 if "%MSYSTEM%"=="" ( set MSYSTEM=MSYS ) set CHERE_...
Gradle console rich output is broken after msys2 updated cygwin to 3.1.x in windows terminal (preview) TERM:xterm-256color MSYSTEM=MINGW64 Intrestingly setting TERM to cygwin fixes console output, but console spits some other errors, like: ...
xterm-color|*-256color) color_prompt=yes;; esac # uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned # off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window # should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt ...
下列序列的行為是以 VT100 和衍生的終端機模擬器技術為基礎,特別是 xterm 終端機模擬器。 如需有關終端機序列的詳細資訊,請參閱http://vt100.net和http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html。 輸出序列 如果使用 SetConsoleMode函式在畫面緩衝區句柄上設定了ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING旗標...
Xterm Technical Details As all terminal types, xterm is a standard that allows the server to send text to the user's screen. By embedding special controls in the text, these codes allow control over the placement and display charachacteristics (location, color, etc.) of the text, rather ...
⚠Note:Mintty tabs use a program called 'mintty' as the terminal emulator that is not based on the Windows Console API, rather it's rendered graphically by ConEmu. Mintty differs from the other tabs in that it supports xterm/xterm-256color TERM types, and does not work with ConEmu sett...
毕竟已经是gui操作系统,在没有gui的时代的那种命令行终端都是gui模拟出来的,powershell ,windows terminal ,mintty,cmder都是终端模拟器。 mingw32、mingw64、cygwin默认用的都是mintty,这个性能还是很好的。 mintty的配置文件在~/.minttyrc Columns=150Rows=50FontHeight=14Font=ConsolasTerm=xterm-256colorScrollbar=...
unset to run on the terminal. cmd.exe, powershell, and the default Windows terminal do not set it. Windows-specific terminal emulators like ConEmu do not set TERM. fzf unsetsTERMonly when running on bash withTERM=cygwinso fzf fails on mintty since it usesTERM=xtermorTERM=xterm-256color....