You can see here that the package checks the operating system during installation. To install Windows Terminal, you need a build of Windows 1903 (10.0.18362.0) or newer. As a result, you cannot install Windows Terminal on Windows Server 2019. In this case, you can use thestandalone classic...
The Store has been working in mysterious ways as of late: All these are similar, but I don't think we've got a single root cause narrowed down. Can you try repairing the Terminal app? This is in the Settings app, under Apps, then click on the Terminal ...
WindowsTerminal 是通过 Windows 应用商店来进行安装的。 官方的安装文档访问地址为:Windows Terminal installation | Microsoft Docs 你可以按照安装的文档一步一步的进行安装。 因为使用的是 Windows 的应用商店,你也可以直接使用应用商店来进行安装。应用商店的地址为:Get Windows Terminal - Microsoft Store 你可以从应...
After downloadingDocker Desktop Installer.exe, run the following command in a terminal to install Docker Desktop: $"Docker Desktop Installer.exe"install If you’re using PowerShell you should run it as: Start-Process'Docker Desktop Installer.exe'-Waitinstall ...
Note: be careful not to select the earlier “Windows Terminal Preview” application. HitGetand wait a few seconds for installation to complete. If you don’t have access to the Store, you candownload the latest release from GitHub.
Si vous n’avez pas accès au Microsoft Store, les builds sont publiées sur la page des versions dans GitHub. Si vous effectuez l’installation à partir de GitHub, le Terminal Windows n’est pas automatiquement mis à jour avec les nouvelles versions. Pour utiliser un gestionnaire de packa...
If you don't have access to the Microsoft Store, the builds are published on theGitHub releases page. If you install from GitHub, Windows Terminal will not automatically update with new versions. For additional installation options using a package manager (winget, chocolatey, scoop), see theWind...
After downloadingDocker Desktop Installer.exe, run the following command in a terminal to install Docker Desktop: $"Docker Desktop Installer.exe"install If you’re using PowerShell you should run it as: Start-Process'Docker Desktop Installer.exe'-Waitinstall ...
鼠标右键单击开始菜单,点击 Windows Terminal (Admin)在Windows Terminal 窗口里单击鼠标右键,选粘贴 # 安装 Scoop 和 Chocolatey Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser irm | iex # 安装 Chocolatey (可选) # Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePoint...
If you just want to customize the color schemes or appearance of your terminal, you can do so in the Windows Terminal settings (without the need to install Oh My Posh themes).In this tutorial, you learn how to:Install a Nerd Font Customize your PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh ...