Windows Terminal Preview 1.21 introduces long-awaited features like Buffer Restore and fontfall back as well as new experimental features like Scratchpad and the ability to load up an image as a texture. There's also a LOT MORE stuff so check out the rest of this blog post to learn more!
若要设置 Nerd Font 用于 Oh My Posh 和 Terminal Icons,请通过从 Windows 终端下拉菜单中选择“设置”(Ctrl+,) 来打开 Windows 终端设置 UI。 选择要在其中应用字体的配置文件(例如 PowerShell),然后选择“外观”。在“字体”下拉菜单中,选择Cascadia Code NF或要使用的 Nerd Font。
前言:Windows Terminal 默认字体是 Cascadia Code 而不是 Cascadia Code PL,所以不支持PowerLine(PL),原本打算使用微软官方推荐的Cascadia Code PL,测试后发现部分主题样式还是缺少图标,所以就打算使用开源项目“Nerd Fonts”对字体库进行扩充修补,使字体库支持丰富的图标。 Nerd Fonts Nerd Fonts是一个使用大量字体图标...
若要设置 Nerd Font 用于 Oh My Posh 和 Terminal Icons,请通过从 Windows 终端下拉菜单中选择“设置”(Ctrl+,) 来打开 Windows 终端设置 UI。 选择要在其中应用字体的配置文件(例如 PowerShell),然后选择“外观”。在“字体”下拉菜单中,选择Cascadia Code NF或要使用的 Nerd Font。
oh-my-posh font install 5. 配置 Windows Terminal 首先点击打开json文件,然后直接将下面代码复制到profiles.list里面 { // 键标记 "guid": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}", "name": "PowerShell Core", "source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore", // 行为 "closeOnExit":...
8. 修改Windows Terminal的配置文件: 配置节选(部分修改,勿全部复制粘贴): {...//选中复制"copyOnSelect":true,..."profiles":{"defaults":{//颜色主题"colorScheme":"One Half Dark",//光标形状"cursorShape":"bar",//字体"font":{"face":"更纱黑体 Mono SC Nerd"//"face":"DejaVuSansMono Nerd ...
Windows Terminal Preview 1.21 introduces long-awaited features like Buffer Restore and fontfall back as well as new experimental features like Scratchpad and the ability to load up an image as a texture. There's also a LOT MORE stuff so check out the rest of this blog post to learn more!
"target": "settingsUI" }, "id": "Terminal.OpenSettingsUI" }, { "command": { "action": "openSettings", "target": "settingsFile" }, "id": "Terminal.OpenSettingsFile" }, { "command": { "action": "openSettings", "target": "defaultsFile" }, "keys": "Terminal.OpenDefaultSettings...
But VSCode's integrated terminal takes advantage of Chrome which takes advantage of DirectWrite: We are planning on replacing our GDI renderer with a DirectWrite renderer in the future which will allows us to (finally) render bold text, emoji, and all manner of other beautiful text effects, but...
Visual Studio, it brings up, what I believe, is a Windows Terminal window. This is fine, but I have very bad eyesight, so I need to increase the font of these output windows to be able to read them. I cannot find how, or where, to increase the font if Windows Termina...