新增相应的 Windows Terminal 配置 在安装完最新版本的 PowerShell 之后,你可能会在 Windows Terminal 的下拉菜单中看到一个新的名为“PowerShell”的配置——也可能不会: Windows Terminal 中新增的 PowerShell 配置 如果你没有发现,也没关系。你可以遵照下图先新建一个空的配置文件: 在Windows Terminal 中添加新配...
双击运行Terminal.reg。此时,在任意目录中右键即可看到 "WindowsTerminal" 选项,点击后,终端将默认打开当前目录: 对于wta.exe(用作以管理员身份打开)也是同理,重新编辑Terminal.reg,之后双击运行: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\WindowsTerminal_Admin] @="Windows...
在终端的选项卡页右边点向下的箭头,然后在PowerShell或Command Prompt上点右键,然后选择Run as admin以管理员身份运行 image
"MUIVerb"="Windows Terminal (Admin)" "Icon"="C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_0.11.1191.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\\WindowsTerminal.exe" "ExtendedSubCommandsKey"="Directory\\ContextMenus\\MenuWindowsTerminalSudo" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\MenuWindowsTerminalSudo] "MUIVe...
4、在新建的 “在此处打开 Terminal” 上右键 > 新建 > 项,名称填写“command”, 将(默认) 值修改为cmd /c set CURRENT_PATH="%V" & start C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe 其中C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe是 Windows Terminal 的可执行文件地...
How to launch Windows Terminal Launching Windows Terminal can be done in a few ways: Right-click the Start menu button and chooseTerminalorTerminal (admin). Open the Start menu and findTerminal. You can right-click the app in the Start menu to launch a specific profile or run it as an ...
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/customize-settings/actions#accepted-modifiers-and-keys /** * PS: * keys: '+' 和按键值之间不能为空 * 多用 alt+ 或者 shift+alt+ * 虽然允许 `win` 键,但是 `win` 配合 其他键 + 数字,会有其他效果,后面研究会出一篇文章 ...
有个bug,点击 “Windows 终端机” 是点不开的,因为没有 Windows Terminal App。 ▼右下角的设置 ▼Windows 文件目录 ▼ 服务器管理器 由于Windows AdminCenter 的出现,微软推荐使用 Admin Center 而不是传统的服务器管理器。 服务器管理器的样式从 Windows Server 2012 沿用至今。
Right-click the Windows icon on the taskbar to open the WinX menu, If you want to learn more aboutHow to open the WinX menu in Windows 11, please click here. Then clickTerminal. If you want to elevate your privileges, please click onTerminal (Admin). ...
Windows Terminal Admin To open an Admin Windows Terminal is more complicated. The same approach can be used but it's also necessary to elevate. I was thinking that PowerShell and Execute-Process with -verb RunAs would work, but I was unable to make that work. In the end the only way ...