在Type&Talk demo區塊,輸入一段文字,勾選「I accept the terms & conditions」,接著點「Synthesize」,再按「播放」便可試聽。也可直接聽demo版 (USE DEFAULT TEXT) 。 它的AI合成聲相當優秀,有幾種不同聲音、口音,甚至年齡都可選擇。此外,用戶可為PC、iPhone、iPad,取得該app 或 SDK或API。
"Italic"Visibility="Collapsed"Margin="0,15,0,0"TextWrapping="Wrap"><RunText="This app is not able to access the microphone. Go to "/><HyperlinkNavigateUri="ms-settings:privacy-microphone"><RunText="Settings"/></Hyperlink><RunText=" to check the microphone privacy settings."/></Text...
"Italic"Visibility="Collapsed"Margin="0,15,0,0"TextWrapping="Wrap"><RunText="This app is not able to access the microphone. Go to "/><HyperlinkNavigateUri="ms-settings:privacy-microphone"><RunText="Settings"/></Hyperlink><RunText=" to check the microphone privacy settings."/></Text...
The language in Read&Write can be selected by going to Read&Write settings > General. To dictate in French, the Français option should be selected.To use Dictation/Talk&Type in the language you selected in Read&Write, that language must also be installed in Windows. To do this:-...
Using speech-to-text once it is enabled on your PC Open the app in which you wish to use speech-to-text. It could be Microsoft Word, a web browser, or anything else that accepts text. Place the cursor where you want to enter text. ...
Hello. I'm in windows insider and dev channel. Today I wanted to download and install the preview version of Windows 11. When I went to the windows updates...
How to create a universal app solution in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows with Update 2 or later. How to understand the projects and files that are created. How to understand the extensions in Visual C++ component extensions (C++/CX), and when to use them. ...
There is a sample serial dongle based RIL in the box but if you need something else you will need to talk to the IC manufacturer. PaulT [MVP] (Expert): Q: Hi to everyone! Are windows CE6.0 supports 3G modems? Is there drivers for it? A: There are no built in drivers, other ...
The SimpleBlogReader app has these features:Access RSS and Atom feed data over the internet. Display a list of feeds and feed titles. Provide two ways to read a post, as simple text or as a web page . Support Process Lifetime Management (PLM) and correctly saves and reloads its state...