使用TakeATest 來設定「進行測驗」應用程式,一個用於進行測驗的安全瀏覽器。 許多學校會使用線上測驗進行期中和期末評定。 學生務必使用安全的瀏覽器,以防止在測驗期間使用其他電腦或網際網路資源。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱在Windows 10 中進行測驗。適用對象
This section describes the TakeATest settings that you can configure in provisioning packages for Windows 10 using Windows Configuration Designer.
To take the test, have the students open the link.Note If you enabled printing, the printer must be pre-configured for the account before the student takes the test.Note If using enforceLockdown, to exit the Take a Test app at any time, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Students will be prompted...
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命令行参考 A-Z 所有受支持的 Windows 和 Windows Server 版本都内置了一组 Win32 控制台命令。 这组文档介绍了可用于通过脚本或脚本工具自动执行任务的 Windows 命令。 命令行 shell Windows 有两个命令行 shell:命令 shell 和PowerShell。 每个 shell 都是一个软件程序,可在你与操作系统或应用程序之间提供直接...
important. PowerToys wouldn’t be nearly what it is today without your help filing bugs, updating documentation, guiding the design, or writing features. We want to say thank you and take time to recognize your work. Month by month, you directly help make PowerToys a better piece of ...
Windows 10, version 1607 offers a variety of new features and functionality, such as simplified provisioning with theSet up School PCs apporWindows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD),easier delivery of digital assessments withTake a Test, and faster log in performance for shared devices than...
In Step by step guide: Configure a test lab to deploy Windows 10, the Windows 10 Enterprise .iso file was saved to the c:\VHD directory as c:\VHD\w10-enterprise.iso. The first step in creating a deployment share is to mount this file on SRV1. To mount the Windows 10 Enterprise ...
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Important Cipher.exe /W may take a very long time to run, especially on large volumes. It is not possible to stop it once it has started. Running the chkdsk.exe command on the volume after completion is a best practice. Also, it is not recommended that the cipher.exe /W be run ...