解决方法: 尝试初始化Firefox()时指定Firefox二进制文件,默认路径FirefoxDriver在%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe中。指定firefoxdriver或将Firefox二进制文件的路径添加到Windows路径。指定firefoxdriver路径的代码如下: fromseleniumimportwebdriverfromselenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binaryimportFirefoxBinarybinary ...
I experimented with some test services and found it was not the length of any property that caused my problem (“System error 2 ... system cannot find the file specified”) to begin with. My built-in service installer uses three properties: ServiceName, ServiceTitle, ServiceDescripti...
Windows 命令提示字元 reg unload HKLM\<broken-system> 步驟4:重建 VM 使用VM 修復命令的步驟 5 來重建 VM。 與我們連絡,以取得說明 如果您有問題或需要相關協助,請建立支援要求,或詢問Azure community 支援。 您也可以向Azure 意見反應社群提交產品意見反應。
This error occurred in five windows servers 2008. Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified ... Windows Event Log service could not start. I tried the following steps: 1) L...
ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for WwanUsbMp.sys KEY_VALUES_STRING: 1 STACKHASH_ANALYSIS: 1 TIMELINE_ANALYSIS: 1 DUMP_CLASS: 1 DUMP_QUALIFIER: 400 BUILD_VERSION_STRING: 16299.15.x86fre.rs3_release.170928-1534 MARKER_MODULE_NAME: IBM_ibmpmdrv SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER...
2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." 3. Click "Repair your computer." If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. Status: 0xc0000225 Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible. █...
在Windows XP的初始化过程中可能会出现“FATAL SYSTEM ERROR”BSOD(蓝屏死机)错误。当操作系统无法找到设备驱动程序(SYS文件)或现有文件已损坏或损坏时,通常会发生此错误。在许多情况下,该错误被称为系统崩溃,其中系统由于不安全的操作条件而停止。这意味着安装所需的设备驱动程序或替换损坏的文件可能会解决此BSOD错误...
1.单击 开始 , 单击 运行,类型 regedit然后单击 确定 。2.找到并右以下注册表子项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters 如果注意 Parameters 密钥将不可用, 则必须创建它。 要创建 Parameters 密钥,请按照下列步骤: ...