重启后,在开始菜单右键,选中【设置】 选中【网络和Internet】,然后在右侧选中【高级网络设置】 找到【vEthernet (Default Swith)】点击【禁用】 这时候再通过 ipconfig 来查看,之前的IP已经不见了。 如果再次使用安卓子系统记得恢复该虚拟网卡。
I've been unable to get my Windows Subsystem for Android to make internet connections for a few builds now. I'm having no luck with trying to figure out any way of debugging why internet connections aren't being made. Anyone have thoughts on why this is happening?
"No internet available" toast notification is now suppressed Custom Android toasts now render correctly Amazon Appstore 60.09 update Android security update Improved reliability Build 2206.40000.15.0 August 2, 2022 New suite of shims available to toggle in the Windows Subsystem for Android Settings app ...
Windows安卓子系统(Windows Subsystem for Android,简称WSA)的版本更新到1.8.3236,最新更新增加了GPU选择的新选项,可以在电脑搭载的不同显卡之间进行切换。 从设置截图可以看到,用户可以指定安卓子系统所使用的 GPU,也可以选择系统默认 GPU,也就是 Windows 目前正在使用的 GPU。 从截图可以看到,在新版本中,多了一项“...
第一步:下载Windows Subsystem for Android™ with Amazon Appstore,可以打开以下网址,选择在商店中打开,按照提示安装即可。 第二步:安装成功后应该会多两个应用,分别是安卓子系统和亚马逊应用商店,我们在安卓子系统中打开开发人员模式 注意事项:亚马逊应用商店我即使使用魔法也只能显示国区不支持,但应该有办法能打开,...
下载安卓子系统(Windows Subsystem for Android™) 安装包体积有1.2G,需要耐心等待哈。 MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_1.7.32815.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msix
Add-AppxPackage -Path 'D:\MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_1.7.32815.0_neutral___8wekyb3d8bbwe.Msixbundle' 完成之后开始菜单就多了Windows Subsystem for Android 打开如图: 点击文件右边的(有点像分享的按钮)打开后。 那么接下来怎么安装安卓软件呢,我们可以使用adb命令来安装:这里我下载了快手...
顺利的话,你就可以看到绿色图标的安卓子系统(Windows Subsystem for Android™)了image装完它不会自动运行,要点击设置那个程序,第一个文件项右上角的箭头,它会启动一次WSA,再打开开发人员模式,这时候端口就可以出来了,不过第一步要成功跑起来Windows 10的最后版本21390.2025的ISO...
Typically, we would have received a new build of Windows 11 in the Dev channel at this point in the week, but instead, Microsoft is rolling out an update to the Windows Subsystem for Android today. If you're enrolled in any of the Windows Insider channels, you should be getting an ...
I am unable to use any Google apps within the Windows Subsystem for Android. I attempted to install Google Play services to authenticate my Google account for third-party apps and services, but it did not function as intended. Furthermore, I am unable to add any Google account within the ...