A number of users report ” The Microsoft Store app is completely gone but other apps still there, Especially after recent Windows 10 21H1 update “Microsoft store icon missing”. And the main cause of this issue seems to be the Windows Store files somehowsome files regarding the Store gets ...
The true fix for missing Windows 11 Store App. Here it is ignore other fixes tried them all they don’t work. I lost the Store App in the upgrade from 10 to 11. Even resetting PC never brought it back. So if that sounds similar to how you lost it do this 20 second fix. 1...
I have installed windows 10 enterprise ltsb (x64) but the windows app store is missing. How can I enable this feature? All replies (6) LTSB doesn't have. Kindly go through the following thread: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Foru...
This error without exception is missing permission for ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES at registry location or file subsystem locations.Registry and file system permission must be reverted to a state that will allow Microsoft Store App to functionNote Only change the permission of the registry keys that...
3. After the changes above, first, login once with a uia+profile writable volume to Windows 10 old version (1809), and then logoff.Next, login with the writable volume to Windows 10 new version (1909), and you can see no store app missing.The store apps information including Windows ...
I have developed Windows 8.1 store app. I know how to check build version for Windows 8.1 device but not in Windows 10. I have followed your screenshots but when I create app package as developer and installed it on Windows 10 device at that time I find three dashes icon but when tap ...
Windows 10 版本 1703 基本層級會收集一組有限的資訊,對於了解裝置和其設定很重要,包括基本裝置資訊、品質相關資訊、App 相容性及 Microsoft Store。 當層級設定為基本時,也會包括安全性層級資訊。基本層級有助於識別在特定裝置的硬體或軟體設定上發生的問題。 例如,它可以協助判斷在含有特定記憶體量的裝置,或者正在...
Windows 10 版本 1703 基本级别收集的是一组有限的、对了解设备及其配置非常重要的信息,包括:基本的设备信息、与质量相关的信息、应用兼容性及 Microsoft Store。 如果将级别设为“基本”,则它还包括安全级别信息。“基本”级别有助于识别在特定设备硬件或软件配置上发生的问题。 例如,它可以帮助确定具有特定内存量或...
Fixes an issue in which certain Windows Store Apps tiles are missing in Windows 8 and Windows RT. This issue occurs when you log on Windows for the first time.