Wondering what kernel security check failure is? Keep reading this article to know more about this issue and the top fixes to eliminate this error. Also, if you have lost data while fixing this error, a top-notch data retrieval software, EaseUS Data Reco
If you encounter a blue screen error at startup on your Windows 11/10 device, you may be presented with a stop code that indicates the source of the issue. The stop code can vary depending on the cause of the error, but some users have reported seeing the KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE ...
蓝屏错误 (也称为bug 检查、停止代码错误、内核错误或 BSOD 错误) 如果严重问题导致 Windows 意外关闭或重启,以保护自身免受数据丢失的影响。 你可能会看到一条消息,指出“Windows 已关闭,以防止损坏你的计算机”或类似消息。 硬件设备、其驱动程序或软件可能已导致此错误。 为了帮助确定原因,蓝屏错误可能会显示 STO...
好几天没有重启我的电脑了,一直在用,结果提示了一个警告,说是内存不够了,我也没有在意,但是觉得电脑有点卡了,所以重启了一下,结果出现了如下的蓝屏问题。 解决办法: 其实不算是解决办法,我就是按照上面提示的打开那个网址(www.windows.com/stopcode),网页信息如下: ...
蓝屏错误信息(Technical Information)第一部分是停机码(Stop Code)也就是STOP 0x0000001E,代码的格式一般为0x000000XX,例如0x0000000A、0x000000D1等,用于识别已发生错误的类型,通过停机码可以作为搜索项在微软Microsoft知识库(http://support.microsoft.com/search/)和其他技术资料中搜索答案,不过这个蓝底白字显示的时...
KiRaiseSecurityCheckFailure+0x3d3 11 : ntdll!RtlpHpFreeWithExceptionProtection$filt$0+0x44 12 : ntdll!_C_specific_handler+0x96 13 : ntdll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xd 14 : ntdll!RtlDispatchException+0x358 15 : ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatch+0x2e 16 : ntdll!RtlpHpVsContextFree...
首先,错误可能源于以下几种原因:1. 驱动问题。可能安装了错误或不兼容的驱动,导致系统运行异常。2. 恶意软件活动。恶意软件可能错误地调用内存资源,引发蓝屏。3. 内存问题。内存条可能没有正确插好,或者损坏,又或者是硬盘出现故障。为了解决问题,可以尝试以下几个步骤:1. 更新或重新安装驱动。访问...
When Windows stopcode errors happen on your PC, you can try to update the operating system. This is because Windows updates may include bug fixes and patches for some known issues besides security updates. If you are using Windows 10/11 PC, follow these instructions to keep Windows up-to-...