CClassic Sticky Notes(Windows自带便签程序)V2.0是一款简易实用,功能全面的便签程序,Win10在周年纪念更新开始就将这个经典便签取消了,但是对于许多用户来说,这个经典便签还是非常好用的,启动速度更快,没有Cortana集成。所以你可以下载这个组件来快速安装,有喜欢的小伙伴快来下载吧!
当我们的事务很繁忙时,就比较容易出现忘记某些事的情况,我们可以通过便签工具来对自己做一个简单的提醒,现在小编为大家分享的Classic Sticky Notes软件就是一个实用又方便的便签程序,适用于Windows操作系统,用户可以自由编辑便签内容,记录自己的事项,避免忘记。 软件特色 适用于 Windows 10 的旧经典粘滞便笺带回了 Win...
Windows Sticky Notes is a handy app for making virtual sticky notes on your desktop. The app provides simple design that makes capturing notes easy and quick. If you right-click on a sticky note, you can change its color. For example, you may use yellow notes for business, blue notes fo...
JustNoteIt - sticky notes software for Windows 10 to create quick notes, organize ideas, and set reminders on your computer desktop.
Classic Sticky Notes是一款非常实用的Windows自带便签程序,启动速度快,体积小,界面简洁,操作简单,极大的方便了用户记录各种备忘录,需要的朋友快来下载吧。 基本简介 适用于 Windows 10 的旧经典粘滞便笺带回了 Windows 10 中的经典粘滞便笺桌面应用程序。
Attach digital sticky notes to anything. Access them from anywhere. Send notes to anyone. Try it free! Learn more Copywhiz Crazy & Smart File Copy Program for Windows Have more control when copying files in Windows. Automate complex tasks & save hours. Try it free!
Attach digital sticky notes to anything. Access them from anywhere. Send notes to anyone. Try it free! Learn more Copywhiz Crazy & Smart File Copy Program for Windows Have more control when copying files in Windows. Automate complex tasks & save hours. Try it free!
下載Simple Sticky Notes Windows 7 (32/64 bit) 免費。通過聲音通知功能在桌面上創建筆記和提醒的程序。
"Sticky Notes - Work and Life" boasts a range of advantages that make it a must-have digital note-taking app. Key Features: 1. Desktop Placement: Pin your notes directly onto your desktop, ensuring important events and reminders are always visible
IT之家2月27日消息 微软今天发布了针对所有Windows 10用户的Sticky Notes应用程序更新,版本更新到3.1.55。此更新为应用程序带来了可用性改进,从而可以更轻松地删除便签,适合具备短暂重要性的内容。 用户现在可以选择是否需要确认才能删除便签。如果未选择确认,用户只需单击一下即可删除便签。