在优化 Windows 设备时,关键优化领域之一是启动过程。 设备启动时自动运行的应用程序可能会影响启动速度和系统的整体性能。 通过自定义启动时启动的应用程序,可以简化例程,确保日常任务所需的工具已准备就绪,并等待你完成。 根据应用程序在 Windows 中的安装和注册方式,可通过不同的方法来配置其启动行为: ...
The startup folder on a Windows computer is helpful to manage the startup programs in an easy way. The Windows 10 Startup folder location is:C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. You can also access the Startup folder with shell:startup command. T...
How to Change Startup Items via the Windows 11 Startup Folder You can also add or remove items from startup using the Windows 11 startup folder. While not every startup item will show up here for you to remove, some will in the form of shortcuts. You can delete these shortcuts o...
You must take some time out from your regular schedule to inspect the Windows Startup folder for programs. Most of these Startup apps eat up system resources silently. The next time you see the system memory or RAM going in the red zone on the Task Manager, go straight to the Startup ...
Load the system hive, name it test. Navigate to the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\TrustedInstaller Change the Start value from 1 to 4. Unload the hive. Try to start the computer.If the Stop error occurs ...
2. Change the value of theStartentry from0to4. This change disables the Citrix MCS cache service. 3. Go to the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} 4. Delete theCtxMcsWbcentry. ...
此事件包含 Ms.Device.DeviceInventoryChange 中的字段。包含以下字段:AppraiserVersion 生成事件的评估程序文件的版本。 AvDisplayName 如果应用是防病毒应用,这是其显示名称。 AvProductState 指示防病毒程序是否打开并且签名为最新。 BinaryType 二进制类型。 示例:UNINITIALIZED、ZERO_BYTE、DATA_ONLY、DOS_MODULE、NE...
After Windows 10 Update to version 1903, my Print Spooler fails to start Alarms & Clock Apps missing in windows 10 All system settings crashes with Immersive Control Panel and Windows.UI.Xaml.dll Allow creation of Symbolic Links to none Administrators Allow users to change time zone settings...
You get to choose which apps will start when Windows starts. It is pretty easy to change all this. Why make any changes? Well, the more startup apps, the longer it will take for the system to boot. You may not even need some apps at startup; if they are enabled, they can ...
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