C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 你可以打开文件资源管理器并手动导航到此路径;此外,Windows 11还有其他方法可以在不打开文件资源管理器的情况下访问启动文件夹。 从文件资源管理器打开启动文件夹 1、首先,确保系统设置为显示隐藏的文件、文件夹和驱动器。 2、通过单击...
品牌型号:Dell XPS 13 9310 (2021款),或任何近两年发布的主流Windows 11设备。 软件版本:无需特别软件,Win11自带功能 一、通过“任务管理器” 添加开机启动项 1、首先,按下【Ctrl+Shift+Esc】组合键打开任务管理器。 2、在任务管理器的顶部菜单栏中,切换到“启动”选项卡。在这里,你会看到当前系统中所有已配置...
Press the“Start”button and type“Task Manager”, then click the top result. Alternatively, press“Ctrl + Shift + Esc”on your keyboard. How to stop a program from running at startup on Windows 11 To stop a program from opening on startup you can open the “Startup” tab of Task...
3.6Use the Autoruns Tool to Delete Startup Apps 4How to Change Windows 10 Startup Programs 4.1Using the Task Manager Startup Tab 4.2From the Startup Folder 5Windows Startup Apps: Final Words What Are Windows 11 Startup Programs? The Microsoft Windows 11 operating system initiates some native...
更新了windows 11之后想把几个软件设置为开机自启动,结果发现shell:startup 不管用了,把快捷方式加入到启动文件夹并不管用。 软件自启动的快捷方式在C盘的“quick launch”文件夹下,把需要自启动的软件快捷方式…
Thread starter Brink Start date Jul 23, 2021 Jul 23, 2021 Replies: 10 Staff This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable startup apps for your account or all users in Windows 11. Startup apps are the apps that start automatically when you sign in to Windows 11. References: ...
Disabling these startup applications via Settings or Task Manager should fix this issue. You can also perform a Clean Boot to discover and isolate the application causing the slow boot error. If you are seeing this article, you are probably experiencing a Windows 11 slow boot problem which seem...
✅ Windows 11 Startup:Yesterday I was online with a MS agent. I was trying to add "Calendar" to the startup menu. We found this cannot be done right now and hopefully will...
✅ Windows 11 sign in not showing up after disabling application startup:Recently I disabled some startup settings for applications for better performance of my computer. But when I restarted ny computer I couldn't log in...