rsvp.exe > resource reservation protocol 源预约协议 runas.exe > run a program as another user 允许用户用其他权限运行指定的工具和 程序 rundll32.exe > launches a 32-bit dll program 启动32位dll程序 runonce.exe > causes a program to run during startup 运行程序再开始菜单中 rwinsta.exe > reset...
To access any of these commands click Start, then Run from your Desktop. Before modifying any values within these utilities be sure to read up on what they will do. command Opens the command prompt. compmgmt.msc Opens the computer management console. devmgmt.msc Opens the device manager. dfrg...
start 运行某程序或命令 例:start /max notepad.exe // 最大化的方式启动记事本 例:start /min calc.exe // 最小化的方式启动计算器 例:start tasklist // 启动一个cmd实例窗口,并运行tasklist 例:start explorer f:\ // 调用资源管理器打开f盘 例:strat iexplore "" // 启动ie并打开www....
tlntsess.exe > Display the current Telnet Sessions 显示目前的Telnet会话 tlntsvr.exe > Start the Telnet Server 开始Telnet服务 tracert.exe > Trace a route to display paths 该诊断实用程序将包含不同生存时间 (TTL) 值的 Internet 控制消息协议 (ICMP) 回显数据包发送到目标,以决定到达目标 采用的路由 tsa...
单击Start,单击 Run,输入 cmd,然后单击 OK。 在命令提示符中输入 netsh,然后按 Enter 键。 输入wlan,然后按 Enter 键。使用netsh wlan 收集故障排除信息用于故障排除的主要 netsh wlan 命令是 show all,可利用此命令收集多个接口的无线配置文件配置,也可收集有关网卡功能和驱动程序版本的数据。例如,可以使用 netsh...
Description=RunaCustomScriptatStartup [Service] ExecStart=/opt/scripts/ [Install] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 将单元脚本放置在 systemd 所在位置后,运行以下命令更新 systemd 配置文件并启用服务: ...
Command shell to run PowerShell commands called cmdlets. Cmdlets are similar to Windows Commands but provide a more extensible scripting language. You can run both Windows Commands and PowerShell cmdlets in PowerShell, but the Command shell can only run Windows Commands and not PowerShell cmdlets....
Run Commands Listed below In Alphabetical Order Program Run Command Accessibility Controls access.cpl Accessibility Wizard accwiz Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz.cpl Add/Remove Progr ...
The following examples do not usestartto run the command line. Instead, there are two other methods of escaping the command line: Only escaping the semicolons so thatPowerShellwill ignore them and pass them straight towt. Using--%, so PowerShell will treat the rest of the command line as...
Run thesc triggerinfo w32time deletecommand to delete the trigger event that's registered as the default setting and to change theStartup Typesetting for the Windows Time service fromManualtoAutomatic: Method 2 Run thesc triggerinfo w32time start...