5. 使用Windows PowerShell的SSH模块:从Windows 10版本1809开始,Microsoft引入了SSH客户端和服务的支持。您可以在Windows PowerShell中直接使用SSH连接到Linux服务器并发送命令。要使用此方法,您需要在Windows上安装OpenSSH客户端。打开Windows PowerShell,使用Connect-SSH命令连接到Linux服务器,并使用Invoke-SSHCommand命令发...
Verify you can connect to the SSH host by running the following command from a terminal / PowerShell window replacing username@hostname as appropriate. ssh username@hostname 若成功应该进入username开头的命令行 打开vscode,打开Command Palette (F1/ctrl+shift+P) ,输入"Remote-SSH: Connect to Host......
paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 连接到服务器 ssh.connect('your_server_ip', username='your_username', password='your_password') # 执行命令 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('ls') print(stdout.read().decode()) # 关闭连接 ssh....
if__name__=="__main__":# 替换为你的交换机信息host=''# 交换机IP地址port=22# SSH端口username='admin'# 用户名password='password'# 密码# 建立连接client=ssh_connect(host,port,username,password)# 执行命令command='show version'# 执行的命令output=execute_command(client,command)print(...
import paramiko # 创建SSH客户端 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # 连接到服务器 ssh.connect('windows-server-ip', username='username', password='password') # 执行命令 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('ipconfig') print(stdout.re...
5、I install the Remote - SSH extension on VSCode. 6、Press F1 > search and click Remote-SSH: connect to a host > execute command ssh username@ipaddress 7、VSCode launch a new instance and prompt me for the password of username@ipaddress. ...
az vm run-command invoke-g$myResourceGroup-n$myVM--command-idRunPowerShellScript--scripts"MYPUBLICKEY | Add-Content 'C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys' -Encoding UTF8;icacls.exe 'C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys' /inheritance:r /grant 'Administrators:F' /grant ...
Advanced SSH client for Windows with autoconfiguration. Use Private Shell to establish secure shell and secure ftp connections. Establish SSH connection either using GUI or command line (ssh.exe, scp.exe are included). Connect CVS via SSH using Private S
ssh user@domain@hostname 打开vscode,打开Command Palette (F1/ctrl+shift+P) ,输入"Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..." 并选中,选择"+ Add New SSH Host...",and use the same user@hostname as in 1.2。 After a moment, VS Code will connect to the SSH server and set itself up. VS Code wil...
Port SSH端口 # 关键配置:通过 SOCKS5 代理连接 ProxyCommand connect -S 代理IP:端口 %h %p 2:确保已安装代理工具 如果报错connect: command not found,需要安装以下任一工具: 选项1:安装 Git for Windows(推荐) 下载地址:https://git-scm.com/download/win ...