1.对于win10上面的C:\\Users\\Administrator/.ssh/config 这个错误的解决办法 2.如果远程服务器能够连接外网的话,配置教程,参考: 3.如果远程服务器不能连接外网的话,请参考: 1.对于win10上面的C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/config 这个错误的解决办法 解决办法1: 参考:https://zixizixi.cn/windows_vscode_ssh...
完成上面 ssh 公钥后,需要配置 config 文件。打开.ssh文件夹查看是否有config文件,如果没有直接右键创建一个。 然后可以复制下面的内容去填写你的config配置 # giteeHost gitee.com HostName gitee.com user your_email_adress PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitee_id_rsa# github2Host gith...
"SSH config file"|"SSH 配置文件" "Remove known host"|"删除已知主机" "New Update available."|"新版本可用。" "Theme inherited from "|"主题继承自 " "Experiment Toggles"|"实验性开关" "Import Ssh Config"|"导入 SSH 配置文件" "How do we know?"|"我们如何知道?" "Password strength:"|"密码...
修改本地 ~/.ssh/config文件,格式和内容如下,下面给出的是gitee的配置。 Host gitee.comHostName gitee.com PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile C:\Users\xxx\.ssh\gitee 打开第2步生成 gitee.pub文件,复制其中的内容 点开gitlab的edit profile - SSH keys菜单,把上一步复制的公钥拷进去,保存。gi...
四、可能需要修改的 ssh config 在C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config中打开 PubkeyAuthentication yes 五、测试 如果可以正常连上就说明好了 ssh localhost 六、测试 ssh 登录配置 示例配置 Host HostName User USERNAME IdentityFile ~/.ssh/private_key...
A user's configuration file at %userprofile%\.ssh\config. The system-wide configuration file at %programdata%\ssh\ssh_config.Configuring the default shell for OpenSSH in WindowsThe default command shell provides the experience a user sees when connecting to the server using SSH. The initial def...
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sshd_config(5)— The daemon configuration file ssh-agent(1)— An authentication agent that can store private keys ssh-add(1)— Tool which adds keys to in the above agent sftp(1)— FTP-like program that works over SSH1 and SSH2 protocol ...
Microsoft announced it was bringing an integrated OpenSSH client to Windows in 2015. They’ve ...
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