Sleep函数,可以看到EBP寄存器被用作栈帧寄存器。当调用SleepEx()函数的时候,参数被压到栈上,然后,使用call指令调用SleepEx()。 0:009> uf KERNELBASE!Sleep KERNELBASE!Sleep:75ed3511 8bffmovedi,edi 75ed351355pushebp 75ed3514 8becmovebp,esp 75ed3516 6a00push075ed3518 ff7508pushdword ptr [ebp+8]...
当多线程同时操作一个共享资源时,这样的切换会带来隐形的问题。我们的代码比较短,在一个CPU时间片内会完成,因此可能看不出错误,为了达到出错的效果,在代码中加入Sleep(1),主动让出CPU,让CPU进行线程的切换。这里的共享资源就是那个全局变量g_Num_One。调用该线程函数的代码如下: 我们创建10个线程,每个线程都让g_...
call :wait_ext1 60 echo "60 seconds waited..." goto :eof :wait_ext1 @ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul 这个就表示要sleep大概60秒钟。 当然,你也可以把wait_ext1那部分重命名一个单独的批处理进行调用。 3. 似乎2003还有一个resource kit包下载,...
0x1FFFFF, NULL, ProcessHandle, Thread, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ThreadHandle != NULL) { printf("Success! ThreadHandle=%d\n", GetThreadId(ThreadHandle)); } Sleep(10000); CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); return TRUE;} ...
TransitionInfoSleepTranstionsToOn 设备从休眠模式转换的总次数。 TransitionInfoSystemRunning 保存最后一个标记时,设备正在运行。 TransitionInfoSystemShutdownInProgress 指示按下电源按钮时设备是否正在关闭。 TransitionInfoUserShutdownInProgress 指示按下电源按钮时用户是否正在关闭。 TransitionLatestCheckpointId 表示...
sleep(240000) MouseClick("left",1156, 741, 1) MouseClick("left",1077, 584, 1) ;;; MouseClick("left",1814, 1060, 2) WinWaitActive("状态 - Symantec Endpoint Protection") Sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",588, 417, 1) MouseClick("left",1314, 517, 1) WinWaitActive(...
A Sleep(INFINITE) call on Windows-based desktop platforms is not a SuspendThread call, and calling ResumeThread on the sleeping thread does not resume the thread.Be careful when using Sleep and code that directly or indirectly creates windows. An example of code that indirectly creates windows is...
Sleep(1000); } return 0; } int main() { //创建一个匿名的Mutex对象并设置默认情况下主线程不拥有该Mutex g_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); HANDLE hWorkerThreads[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { hWorkerThreads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WorkerThreadProc, NULL, 0, ...
Sleep: A 'Wake-up' Call Indeed, Reading Writing Interfaces is Emerson's wake-up call for us to be mindful of how mechanisms act upon us and of the fact that interfaces both enable unprecedented [End Page 99] access to data and shape our choices about ... AC Dhamangaonkar - 《West ...
Windows 10 goes to sleep/hibernates after RDP session ends Windows 10 going back to log in screen after signing in every time Windows 10 GPO / Registry - Interactive logon: Machine inactivity limit still using old 60 second lock out settings Windows 10 handles AllowRemoteRPC tweak differently ...