我们安装好软件之后,打开软件,等待约10s,就可以看到软件界面 就可以看到我们cpu的详?信息了,比如下图是我的:
Result.split("\n").at(1).trimmed();cpuInfo+="Model: "+cpuName+"\n";// 获取GPU信息QString gpuInfo="GPU Information:\n";QProcess gpuProcess;gpuProcess.start("wmic path win32_VideoController get Name");gpuProcess.waitForFinished();QString gpuResult=gpuProcess.readAllStandardOutput();Q...
HLK Studio does not show my driver in selection tab I am trying to do HLK testing for my own driver by this instruction https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/hlk/getstarted/step-5--select-target-to-test However, I can't find my kernel filter driver on the Selection ...
8、获取显卡GPU信息 9、获取处理器CPU信息 9.1 注册表方式 9.2 cpuid指令方式 9.3 WMI方式 10、获取硬盘容量信息 结语 1、获取屏幕分辨率 1.1 GetSystemMetrics https://docs.microsoft.com/en-u...
Show CPU Stats in the Taskbar in Windows 10 Step 1:Open the Task Manager on your Windows 10 computer. You can do so by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager” from the menu. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on the keyboard. ...
getcpu get processor information getcsr get certificate signing request getdiaginfo get diagnosis information getdns get DNS information getdriver get OS drivers that can be upgraded geteventsubs get event subscription getfan get fan information getfw get firmware that can be upgraded gethealthevents ...
WinDbg 是一个调试器,可用于分析故障转储、调试实时用户模式和内核模式代码,以及检查 CPU 寄存器和内存。 此最新版本具有更新的界面、完善的脚本功能、可扩展的调试数据模型、内置的时间旅行调试 (TTD) 支持和许多其他功能,提供更加现代化的用户体验。 有关详细信息,请参阅WinDbg 概述。
On Windows 11, you have multiple ways to determine the full technical specifications, and in this guide, I'll show you how to do this using the Settings app, PowerShell, Command Prompt, and System Inf
Note Enabling Show Analytic and Debug Logs enables debug and tracing for almost all the event sources and creates additional logging. Hence this has to be disabled once the investigation is complete and will not be in use anymore.This tracing can be kept enabled while you observe high CPU ...
本文介绍 Windows Server 2008 中可用于 TCP/IP 协议的 TCP 烟囱卸载、接收端缩放(RSS)和网络直接内存访问(NetDMA)功能。 原始KB 数:951037 TCP 烟囱卸载概述 TCP 烟囱卸载是一种网络技术,可帮助在网络数据传输期间将工作负荷从 CPU 传输到网络适配器。 在 Windows Server 2008 中,TCP 烟囱卸载使 Windows 网络子...