shortcut(快捷方式) 以.lnk文件方式存在,适用于Explorer等应用程序(其本质上也是一个文件,所以占用空间,只是存储的是一些跳转信息,只为Explore等程序能识别使用)。 非NTFS内置机制,从Win95开始得到支持。FAT32支持。 同时适用于文件、目录。 只能使用绝对路径。 可以跨盘符,可以跨主机,可以使用UNC路径、网络驱动器。
下载并安装后,运行OrphansRemover,在软件窗口上方的“Select folders to shortcut orphans:”和“lnclude shortcuts with broken links to:”项下选择要扫描的文件夹及连接到移动存储器、光盘等上的无效快捷方式。而“User defined search folder”文本框中则允许你指定文件夹。最后单击窗口下方的“Start scan”按钮...
下载并安装后,运行OrphansRemover,在软件窗口上方的“Select folders to shortcut orphans:”和“lnclude shortcuts with broken links to:”项下选择要扫描的文件夹及连接到移动存储器、光盘等上的无效快捷方式。而“User defined search folder”文本框中则允许你指定文件夹。最后单击窗口下方的“Start sca...
切換工作清單快速鍵 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+H Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut 切換自動換行 Ctrl+E、Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap 取消註解選取項目 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection 檢視底部 Ctrl+PgDn Edit.ViewBottom 檢視底部延伸 Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Edit.ViewBottomExtend 檢視頂端 Ctrl+PgUp Edit.ViewTop...
Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Access the Windows Security screen Ctrl + Click: Select multiple individual items Ctrl + Click and drag an item: Copies that item in the same folder Ctrl + Shift + Click and drag an item: Creates a shortcut for that item in the same folder ...
快捷键windowsshortshortcutfolderdialog windowsshort快捷键(short快捷键windows)I.commonusage:F1displaysthehelpofthecurrentprogramorwindows.F2whenyouselectafile,thatmeansrenaming"F3whenyou'reonthedesktop,openthefindallfilesdialogboxF10orALTactivatesthemenubarofthecurrentprogramWindowskeyorCTRL+ESCopensthestartmenuCTRL...
When you select a project, you can use the following shortcut keys. Destination shortcut key Do not play automatically when you insert the disc Function press SHIFT to insert CD-ROM Copy file, hold CTRL, drag file To create a shortcut, hold down the CTRL+SHIFT drag file Delete an item...
Divider: Creates a thin gray line to break up text. Shortcut---.Divider:创建一条灰色细线来...
Best Practices for Shortcut Menu Handlers and Multiple Verbs (Windows) About IWMPPlugin (Windows) GET_PS_FEATURESETTING Printer Escape function (Windows) ApplicationRecoveryCallback callback function (Windows) RASAUTODIALENTRY structure (Windows) RasMonitorDlg function (Windows) Extending the Ribbon (...
Ctrl + A: Instead of dragging and clicking a mouse over the entirety of a document or image, use this shortcut to have your computer automatically select everything in a single app. Faster Delete Ctrl + Backspace, or Ctrl + Delete: This shortcut deletes entire words one tap at a time...