Shortcut Keys for Windows Alphabetical list by Shortcut Key Alt+tab ... windows操作系统的快捷键(Shortcut keys for the windows operating system) 引用windows 快捷键大全 窗口最大化快捷键,最小化,重命名等 - 笑傲浆胡的日志 - 网易博客(Reference windows shortcuts, Daquan window, maximize shortcut ...
As I’ve been travelling around spreading the love on Windows 7 I get asked a lot about some of the new shortcut keys that are now available. So I thought I would create a list of the most popular shortcut keys and the ones I use the most. I’m sure there are others out there ...
Windows 7 Shortcut Keys...tell all your friends 项目 2009/02/07 Here is a list of some shortcut keys in Windows 7:- 展开表 Shortcut Key Action Win+Left Arrow and Win+Right Arrow Dock / Undock Win+Up Arrow and Win+Down Arrow Maximizes and restores / minimizes Win...
Create shortcut keys for commands that do not have shortcut keys by default Assign more than one shortcut key for a command Delete shortcut key assignments Assign shortcut keys for each editor Reset all shortcut keys to their default settings Display the current shortcut keys, including custom...
Following on from my updated list ofWindows Vista Shortcut keys(which all seem to work in Windows 7 as far as I can tell) I have shamelessly copied a list of Windows 7 Shortcut keys fromMintywhite(aka Windows guides) Windows Key + left arrow = dock window to the left hand side of ...
F4 Expand the items in the active drop-down list. Arrow keys Move between controls or list items.Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts (cmd.exe) Keyboard ShortcutAction Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy the selected text. Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste the selected text. Ctrl + M ...
Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that offer a faster alternative to performing tasks typically done with a mouse. If you are trying to take a screenshot or screengrab, seeHow to take and annotate screenshots. This article includes a list of keyboard shortcuts categorized as...
publicSystem.Windows.Forms.Keys ShortcutKeys {get;set; } 屬性值 Keys 其中一個Keys值。 預設值為None。 例外狀況 InvalidEnumArgumentException 屬性未設定為其中一個Keys值。 範例 下列程式代碼範例示範如何使用ShortcutKeys屬性,將按鍵組合 CTRL+P 指派給名為 的printToolStripMenuItem功能表項。 如需完整的範...
The shortcuts in this topic refer to the US keyboard layout. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard. A plus sign (+) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys at the same time. A comma sign...
first find the program you want to use and create a shortcut icon for it. Place the shortcut anywhere, then right-click it. Choose Properties and in the Shortcut Properties box, type your combination into the Shortcut button.