reg delete HKCR\lnkfile /v IsShortcut /f reg delete HKCR\piffile /v IsShortcut /f reg delete HKCR\InternetShortcut /v IsShortcut /f taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && explorer 5.2、删除多余右键菜单 Win7 的右键菜单本来就比较多,许多软件还会再给右键添加菜单,当右键菜单过多时会比较难找到对...
Heading 1: The largest heading, can be easily added with shortcut/h1.Heading 1:最大的标题,...
快捷键windowsshortshortcutfolderdialog windowsshort快捷键(short快捷键windows)I.commonusage:F1displaysthehelpofthecurrentprogramorwindows.F2whenyouselectafile,thatmeansrenaming"F3whenyou'reonthedesktop,openthefindallfilesdialogboxF10orALTactivatesthemenubarofthecurrentprogramWindowskeyorCTRL+ESCopensthestartmenuCTRL...
Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Access the Windows Security screen Ctrl + Click: Select multiple individual items Ctrl + Click and drag an item: Copies that item in the same folder Ctrl + Shift + Click and drag an item: Creates a shortcut for that item in the same folder Ctrl + Tab: Move for...
Shift + F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. Shift with any arrow key Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document. Shift + Delete Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first. Right arrow Open the next...
To create a shortcut, hold down the CTRL+SHIFT drag file Delete an item immediately without putting it in the SHIFT+ deletion Recycle bin Show find: all files F3 Displays the shortcut menu APPLICATION key for the project Refresh the contents of the window F5 Rename project F2 Select all ...
Faster Delete Ctrl + Backspace, or Ctrl + Delete: This shortcut deletes entire words one tap at a time. Windows Key Shortcuts Newer versions of Windows take advantage of the Windows key (Win) that has become standard on modern desktop and laptop keyboards (positioned between Ctrl and Alt,...
Shortcut (Context) Menus and Shortcut Menu Handlers (Windows) DWordPtrToInt64 function (Windows) DWordToSSIZET function (Windows) InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire function (Windows) InterlockedOrAcquire function (Windows) DSSPUBKEY_VER3 structure (Windows) IControlMarkup::SetCallback method (Windows) ...
切換工作清單快速鍵 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+H Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut 切換自動換行 Ctrl+E、Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap 取消註解選取項目 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection 檢視底部 Ctrl+PgDn Edit.ViewBottom 檢視底部延伸 Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Edit.ViewBottomExtend 檢視頂端 Ctrl+PgUp Edit.ViewTop...
In this scenario, the System Maintenance troubleshooter offers to delete these shortcuts. Note These shortcuts are treated as unused desktop icons. Resolution After you install this hotfix, you can disable the "Broken Shortcut" task or the "Unused Desktop Icon" task in the System Maintenance tro...