Windows key + Left Arrow: Tile window on the left side of the screen Windows key + Right Arrow: Tile window on the right side of the screen Windows key + Shift + Up Arrow: Extend current window from the top to the bottom of the screen Windows key + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: Move ...
3.快速截屏 Screenshot 快捷键:Windows logo key+shift+S Windows自带截屏功能,可以手动调整截取的内容,也可以截取全屏幕。 Shortcut key: Windows logo key+shift+s Windows comes with a screenshot functionality that allows you to manually adjust what you capture...
ofthepreviousoperation TheWindowskey+EopenstheExplorer TheWindowskey+Fopensthefindallfilesdialogbox TheWindowskey+Ropenstherundialogbox TheWindowskey+BREAKopensthesystempropertiesdialogbox TheWindowskey+CTRL+Fopensthefindcomputerdialogbox SHIFT+F10orright-clicktoopentheshortcutmenuofthe currentactiveitem SHIFT...
官方:“ Windows徽标键+ Ctrl + Shift + B =将PC从黑屏或黑屏唤醒”通过与AMD Radeon驱动程序工程师的讨论,它不会重新启动图形驱动程序。它似乎确实丢弃了桌面表面缓冲区并从DWM重新创建分配(在运行良好的系统上,桌面变黑了一秒钟)。
Your start menu isn't working. We'll try to fix it the next time you sign in. Critical Event IDs 79 and 80, Source Appmodel-runtime, "runtime information is corrupted" CSP always shows "loading" on key option when requesting certificate on Edge browser ctrl, shift, and other keys do...
3. How to screenshot a specific area using Windows screenshot shortcuts If you want to screenshot a specific screen area, you can use theWindows Key + Shift + Skeyboard shortcut. This method is proper when capturing a specific part of the screen, such as a section of a website or a...
Win + Ctrl + Left arrowSwitch to the left virtual desktop. Win + TabOpen Virtual Desktop overview (Task View). Win + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop. File Explorer Hotkeys Keyboard ShortcutAction Shift + Alt + PShow or hide the Details pane. ...
Ctrl + ZReverse a previous action. This is also known as the Undo shortcut. Alt + TabSwitch to the next open app. Alt + F4Close a running app or program. Shift + DeleteDelete a file permanently, bypassing the Recycle Bin. Windows Key + LLock the computer screen. ...
CtrlShift2 196658 快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+2。 CtrlShift3 196659 快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+3。 CtrlShift4 196660 快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+4。 CtrlShift5 196661 快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+5。 CtrlShift6 196662 快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+6。 CtrlShift7 196663 快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+7。 CtrlShift8 196664 快捷键 Ctrl+S...
Windows key + Shift + S Capture part of the screen with Snip & Sketch. Windows key + Left arrow key Snap app or window left. Windows key + Right arrow key Snap app or window right. Desktop shortcuts On Windows 10, you can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close, navigate, and...