在优化 Windows 设备时,关键优化领域之一是启动过程。 设备启动时自动运行的应用程序可能会影响启动速度和系统的整体性能。 通过自定义启动时启动的应用程序,可以简化例程,确保日常任务所需的工具已准备就绪,并等待你完成。 根据应用程序在 Windows 中的安装和注册方式,可通过不同的方法来配置其启动行为: ...
啟動應用程式ms-settings:startupapps 視訊播放ms-settings:videoplayback 控制中心 設定頁面URI 控制中心ms-settings:controlcenter Cortana 設定頁面URI 跨裝置使用 Cortanams-settings:cortana-notifications 更多詳細資料ms-settings:cortana-moredetails 許可權 & 歷程記錄ms-settings:cortana-permissions ...
Startup appsms-settings:startupapps Video playbackms-settings:videoplayback Control Center 展开表 Settings pageURI Control centerms-settings:controlcenter Cortana 展开表 Settings pageURI Cortana across my devicesms-settings:cortana-notifications
Startup appsms-settings:startupapps Video playbackms-settings:videoplayback Control Center 展开表 Settings pageURI Control centerms-settings:controlcenter Cortana 展开表 Settings pageURI Cortana across my devicesms-settings:cortana-notifications
Startup apps in the registry The startup applications in Windows can be stored in specific registry locations. For applications that run at startup for all users, the registry paths are: HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKLM\Software\Microsof...
The Fast Startup assessment may not automatically reboot some systems using an ACPI Time and Alarm device after shutdown when the "use wake timers" option is selected in the assessment configuration. If this is blocking test automation, clear the option and retry. ...
Pressing any key on the keyboard during the Onboarding Guide (the thing when you start Mihon for the first time) will crash the app. Some of the notifications will be missing due to the Windows Action Center limit of 20. When setting up the tracker, make sure to set the default ...
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable startup apps for your account or all users in Windows 11. Startup apps are the apps that start...
Set up automatic maintenance Verify backup solutions Frequently Asked Questions Here are answers to common questions about factory resetting Windows: General Reset Questions Q: How long does a factory reset typically take? A: The process usually takes 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your system...
If you’re still having trouble finding the Startup menu, try searching “Startup Apps” in the Settings search bar. To determine what apps you should run at startup, consider which apps you use frequently. There may be apps that are set to automatically open at startup that you never ...