以下命令可以实现在命令行中设置用户属性为密码永不过期(需要安装wmic.exe环境,执行命令时,请将半角双引号中的“用户名”换成实际的用户名,windows7中验证通过):wmic.exe UserAccount Where Name="用户名" Set PasswordExpires="false"
set users = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}").instancesof("win32_useraccount") for each user in users user.PasswordExpires = False user.Put_() next 以上文件保存为vbs,双击执行即可。 方法三: 使用命令行,打开cmd,在其中输入 net user username /expires:never wmic.exe UserAccount...
/setclassid 修改 DHCP 类 ID。 /showclassid6 显示适配器允许的所有 IPv6 DHCP 类 ID。 /setclassid6 修改 IPv6 DHCP 类 ID。 默认情况下,仅显示绑定到 TCP/IP 的每个适配器的 IP 地址、子网掩码和 默认网关。 对于Release 和 Renew,如果未指定适配器名称,则会释放或更新所有绑定 到TCP/IP 的适配器...
netuser 批量设置windows用户密码不过期 Examples:: /name:set a new name /pwnexp:{y|n} set 'password never expires' ⒈ 更改用户名 netuser Administrator /name:"Admin go" 更改Administrator名字为 Admin go netuser "John Doe" /name:DoeJ 更改John Doe名字为DoeJ ⒉ 是用户用不过期 netuser admin...
net user %1 %2 /add /fullname:%3 /expires:Never /active:yes net localgroup %4 %1 /add wmic useraccount where "Name='%1'" set PasswordExpires=False 比如需要建立用户信息是:abc 123456 abc_info administrators,使用时就在cmd中这样输入(在create_group_user.bat目录下):create_...
Remove the ability to set password never expired for helpdesk group Remove VNC in all network Removing "Everyone" group from "Access this computer from Network" Removing Windows Defender form an old Windows Server 2008 R2 Rename my Forest and Domain Name??? Renaming DHCP Scope Renaming folder re...
* | %{$_.passwordlastset}#账号关联的邮箱,用于发送邮件$usermail=Get-ADUser$user-Properties* | %{$_.mail}#密码的过期时间为90天$pwdlastday=($pwdlastset).adddays(90)#当前时间$now=get-date#判断账户是否设置了永不过期$neverexpire=get-aduser$user-Properties* |%{$_.PasswordNeverExpires}#距离...
Just for confirmation , you did't set the password never expire,right?I would suggest you check gpo result again by run the command: GPRESULT /H REPORT.HTML Then ,make sure the replication between the DCs are good. As a possible reason,check if the fast logon optimization turned on (htt...
Switch the default Password never expires setting (which means that there is no expiration date set for this password) to Password expires on (which allows you to set an expiration date for the password). Select the desired date of expiration. The date you choose can be based on a rule ...