hr = enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, device.GetAddressOf()); if (hr != S_OK) { std::cout << "GetDefaultAudioEndpoint error" << std::endl; return -1; } // 创建IAudioEndpointVolume对象 hr = device->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioEndpointVolume), CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER...
AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind AudioNodeListener AudioPlaybackConnection AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResult AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus AudioPlaybackConnectionState AudioStateMonitor AudioSubmixNode CreateAudioDeviceInputNodeResult CreateAudioDeviceOutputNodeResult CreateAudioFileInputNodeResult CreateAu...
The default audio output device is a device which Windows 10 is using to play the audio. Other device can be set to mute or to play the same audio stream. Note: Some third-party apps can utilize other devices with special options in their settings and override the system preferences. Ther...
如果未标识任何终结点,则循环访问所有 ACTIVE 终结点,以查找具有所请求角色的最高“排名”属性的终结点,且未设置永不设为默认值的PKEY_AudioDevice_NeverSetAsDefaultEndpoint属性集。 (针对 Windows 10 修改的排名权重值。) 如果标识了终结点,则会返回该终结点,并完成该过程。
Device family Windows 10, version 1809 (introduced in 10.0.17763.0) API contract Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v7.0) Fields Rozbalit tabulku AccessDenied 1 The caller doesn't have permission to change/set this spatial audio format. LicenseExpired 2 There is no current...
Set the default Audio Playback device for the Notebook using the following steps: Launch Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Find the Audio icon at the bottom, right corner. Right-click the icon. SelectSoundsorOpen Sound settings. ClickPlayback devicesor select thePlaybacktab. ...
On the target computer, open Control Panel and navigate toHardware and Sound>Manage audio devices. In the Sound dialog box, select the speaker icon labeled as Microsoft Virtual Audio Device (WDM) - Sysvad Sample, then select Set Default, but do not select OK. This will keep the Sound dialo...
1.2 DirectSound(DirectX Audio) DirectX 是基于COM的多媒体API集合的总称,其中包括 DirectSound。 优势: 1)它可以非常接近硬件工作,极限最小延迟可到60毫秒左右,并支持更高质量的音频; 2)可通过简单的API使得与硬件交互变得切实可行; 3)为平台带来了可插拔的、基于软件的音频效果(DX 效果)和乐器(DXi Instruments...
将输入设置为默认音频设备(SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice()) 检查您的框架和平台(如果受支持)。 该类的要求可以在这里查看[^] 上传者:weixin_38630463时间:2021-04-04 CSharp_AUDIO.zip_C#编程_C#_ C#小程序,检测声卡是否存在,并可调用系统声音属性进行设置 ...
To manually set your Jabra device as the default audio device, follow these steps. Open the Sound settings on your computer. For example, in the taskbar, right-click the Sound icon, and then click Open Sound settings. In the Output and I