esd ? the file size is too big (3GB) How to determine the PID of something wrapped by svchost How to disable access to start menu for specific user in windows 10 How to disable cursor suppression on touch input on Windows 10? How to disable first-time "Welcome to Edge" page? How to...
命令名称:resetFontSize默认ID:JSON 复制 { "command": "resetFontSize", "id": "Terminal.ResetFontSize" } 默认绑定:JSON 复制 { "keys": "ctrl+0", "id": "Terminal.ResetFontSize" }, { "keys": "ctrl+numpad_0", "id": "Terminal.ResetFontSize" } ...
FontSize 获取或设置托管控件的字号。 FontStyle 获取或设置托管控件的字形。 FontWeight 获取或设置托管控件的字体粗细。 ForceCursor 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否 FrameworkElement 应强制用户界面 (UI) 呈现由 属性声明的 Cursor 光标。 (继承自 FrameworkElement) Foreground 获取或设置托管控件的前景色。 Handl...
DefaultCursor 获取或设置控件的默认光标。 (继承自 Control) DefaultImeMode 获取控件支持的默认输入法编辑器 (IME) 模式。 (继承自 Control) DefaultMargin 获取控件之间默认指定的间距(以像素为单位)。 (继承自 Control) DefaultMaximumSize 获取以像素为单位的长度和高度,此长度和高度被指定为控件的默认...
"SizeWE": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; break; case "UpArrow": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.UpArrow; break; case "WaitCursor": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.Wait; break; case "Custom": DisplayArea.Cursor = CustomCursor; break; default: break; } // If the cursor scope is set to...
IDVGetEnum::SetEnumReadyCallback method (Windows) IntToSizeT function (Windows) ULongPtrToSSIZET function (Windows) _IMathInputControlEvents::Insert method (Windows) IWMPNodeRealEstate (deprecated) interface (Windows) operator XMVECTOR method (Windows) operator +(XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR) method (Windo...
Form helpForm = new Form (); // Set up the form position, size, and title caption. helpForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; helpForm.Size = new Size (200, 400); helpForm.DesktopLocation = new Point (this.DesktopBounds.X + this.Size.Width, this.DesktopBounds.Top); helpForm....
Cursors.SizeAll;break;case"SizeNESW": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW;break;case"SizeNS": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS;break;case"SizeNWSE": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;break;case"SizeWE": DisplayArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE;break;case"UpArrow": DisplayArea.Cursor =...
(hConsole, // Handle to console screen buffer csbi.wAttributes, // Character attributes to use dwConSize, // Number of cells to set attribute coordScreen, // Coordinates of first cell &cCharsWritten)) // Receive number of characters written { return; } // Put the cursor at its home ...
FontSize 获取或设置字号。 FontStretch 获取或设置字体在屏幕上紧缩或加宽的程度。 FontStyle 获取或设置字体样式。 FontWeight 获取或设置指定字体的粗细。 ForceCursor 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否 FrameworkElement 应强制用户界面 (UI) 呈现由 属性声明的 Cursor 光标。 (继承自 FrameworkElement) Foreground ...