Verify that the computer is set up to generate a complete memory dump file when a crash occurs. For more information, see Method 1: Memory dump. Locate the memory.dmp file in your Windows directory on the computer that is crashing, and copy that file to another computer. On...
Microsoft.OutlookforWindows"}, {"secondaryTile": { "tileId": "MSEdge._pin_mjalfbhoimpkfjlpajnjkpknoe", "arguments": " --pin-url= --profile-directory=Default --launch-tile", "displayName": "Contoso intranet", "packagedAppId": "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable_8we...
Verify that the computer is set up to generate a complete memory dump file when a crash occurs. For more information, seeMethod 1: Memory dump. Locate thememory.dmpfile in your Windows directory on the computer that is crashing, and copy that file to another computer. ...
Microsoft.OutlookforWindows"}, {"secondaryTile": { "tileId": "MSEdge._pin_mjalfbhoimpkfjlpajnjkpknoe", "arguments": " --pin-url= --profile-directory=Default --launch-tile", "displayName": "Contoso intranet", "packagedAppId": "Microsoft.Microsoft...
version: 1.1 config: - stage: boot tasks: - task: extendRootPartition - stage: preReady tasks: - task: activateWindows inputs: activation: type: amazon - task: setDnsSuffix inputs: suffixes: - $ - task: setAdminAccount inputs: password: type: random -...
Microsoft.OutlookforWindows"}, {"secondaryTile": { "tileId": "MSEdge._pin_mjalfbhoimpkfjlpajnjkpknoe", "arguments": " --pin-url= --profile-directory=Default --launch-tile", "displayName": "Contoso intranet", "packagedAppId": "Microsoft.Microsoft...
netsh firewall set service remotedesktop enable netsh.exe firewall set service type=RemoteAdmin mode=ENABLE scope=ALL profile=ALL #netsh.exe firewall set service type=RemoteAdmin mode=ENABLE scope=ALL profile=Domain #netsh.exe firewall set service type=RemoteAdmin mode=ENABLE scope=ALL profile=Stand...
Microsoft.OutlookforWindows"}, {"secondaryTile": { "tileId": "MSEdge._pin_mjalfbhoimpkfjlpajnjkpknoe", "arguments": " --pin-url= --profile-directory=Default --launch-tile", "displayName": "Contoso intranet", "packagedAppId": "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable_8we...
Microsoft.OutlookforWindows"}, {"secondaryTile": { "tileId": "MSEdge._pin_mjalfbhoimpkfjlpajnjkpknoe", "arguments": " --pin-url= --profile-directory=Default --launch-tile", "displayName": "Contoso intranet", "packagedAppId": "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable_8we...
デフォルトでは、前のコマンドはモジュールを %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules フォルダにインストールします。コンピュータ AWS Tools for PowerShell のすべてのユーザーに をインストールするには、管理者として開始した PowerShell セッションで次のコマンドを実行する必要...