As of today, June 2015, the supported IP protocols for Azure cloud services are TCP (protocol number...Date: 06/18/2015Building Windows Server Failover Cluster on Azure IAAS VM – Part 2 (Network)Hello, cluster fans. In my previous blog, I talked about how to work around the storage ...
Fixes a problem in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 where the Taskbar is reset to the default settings when you use the "Automatically Log On" feature.
We have two Domain Controllers (DC1 and DC2). One day, DC2 started 20 minutes late. On that day when client PC's ran services we encountered the following error message: "The xyz service failed to start due to the following error: The account name… ...
print preference setting reset to default for windows 10 build 1607 Print server properties > error when opening "ports" tab Print spooler service keeps crashing print.exe tool doesn't work after some Windows update ("Unable to initialize device PRN") Printer being installed automatically Printer ...
Installing Windows Server BackupWindows Server Backup is a "feature" in Windows Server 2008 and is not installed by default. Before you can perform a backup with Windows Server Backup, you have to install the feature, using either Server Manager, or the SERVERMANAGERCMD command-line utility:...
Default {Write-Host"[*] F_Logging 日志 Level 等级错误`n Useage: F_Logging -Level [Info|Warning|Error] -Msg '测试输出字符串'"-ForegroundColorRed; } } }functionF_Tools{<#.SYNOPSISF_Tools 检测对比函数.DESCRIPTION验证判断传入的字段是否与安全加固字段一致.EXAMPLEF_Tools -Key "ItemDemo" -Value...
Reset form to default Reset Textbox.PasswordChar C# Resize a PictureBox with mouse Resize an image before printing resize monthcalendar in WindowsForm Resize Tabcontrol with main window Responsive forms retain blue background on listview selected item when focus leaves listview Retrieve file ext...
Step 5. Wait for the procedure to complete before restarting your computer, and you may now use your newly reset machine. Note: If your machine does not instantly start from the installation DVD, you may need to adjust some BIOS settings first. Because the default booting priority often prefe...
Reinstall TypeReinstall options you can chooseWhat happens to data, files and folders Reset Windows 10 Keep my files Preserved Reset Windows 10 Remove everything Deleted Reinstall Windows 10 using installation media Keep Everything (Default) Preserved Reinstall Windows 10 using installation media Keep ...
the default filter will return every object within the search scope. In this example, I change the filter to (objectClass=user), limiting the search to user objects. This will make it easier to find the deleted John Smith user among the possibly thousands of tombstones in the CN=Deleted Obj...