As time goes on and more people update, more and more services may stop automatically starting this could be a big problem."super user link"I have read this previously and found that doing a delayed start is a workaround but not an actual solution as we are creating a backup service ...
Cannot see the value of httpcontent when debugging cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Services Must First be Installed(Using InstallUtil.exe) and then started with the ServerExplorer,Windows Services Administrator Tool or the NET START command. Cant convert string...
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) X .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) => { services.AddHostedService<Worker>(); }) X .UseWindowsService() X as well as: public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host....
When you try to start a Windows Service such as the Windows Firewall, DHCP client, or Diagnostic Policy Service, you may get the following error: Windows could not start the Windows Firewall, DHCP client, or Diagnostic Policy on Local Computer. For more information...
Click the Start button, then type regedit in the Search box. Right click regedit.exe, then click Run as administrator. If prompted, enter your user name and password and click OK. Browse to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dhcp\...
To start Windows Security Center properly, make sure that the Security Center service is configured correctly. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Press Win + R to open the Run box. Step 2: Type services.msc in the box and click OK to open Service. ...
Hi guys,I have a very big problem with one windows server 2016 vm.After windows update and reboot windows update doesn't start and if i try to star manually...
都是TermService服务惹的祸!TermService(Terminal Services)这个服务非常另类,不仅仅出现在DcomLaunch组里,同时还独立出现在termsvcs组里,然而在“服务”管理单元窗口里,该服务的命令行为“svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch”,也就是说实际上并没有一个svchost进程实例负责启动termsvcs服务组!
2 在安装到最后一步,点击”execute“按钮时,出现错误cannot create windows service for mysql.error:0 3 解决方法:在桌面上找到“MyComputer“,右键选择“Manage”,然后选择”Service and Applications“,然后选择”services“,找到”MySQL“服务:4 右键”Stop“此服务后。在”Start“菜单那里,输入”cmd“,...