This can be configured by a registry key: The registry keys of interest (At least in some versions of windows) are: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\<service name>\DelayedAutostart will have the value 1 if delayed, 0 if not. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\AutoStartDelay decimal n...
2、使用 New-Service cmdlet 创建服务,语法如下: New-Service -Name <ServiceName> -BinaryPathName "<Path to Executable>" -StartupType <StartType> # 或更多设置 New-Service -Name <ServiceName> -BinaryPathName "<Path to Executable>" -StartupType <StartType> -DisplayName "<Display Name>" -Descr...
启用Windows 系统服务或 Windows 驱动程序。servicename参数是要启用的服务或驱动程序的名称,start_type是已启用服务的启动类型。 启动类型使用以下格式之一: 控制台复制 SERVICE_BOOT_START SERVICE_SYSTEM_START SERVICE_AUTO_START SERVICE_DEMAND_START 退出退出恢复控制台,然后重启计算机。 展开压缩文件。 源参数是要...
1 My service does not automatically start Related69 How to install and start a Windows Service using WiX 30 How to make Windows Service start as "Automatic (Delayed Start)" 0 Will Windows wait for my service on startup? 2 Windows Service "Starting" 5 Set existing service to "Auto (...
<StartType>:服务的启动类型,可以是auto、demand或者disabled。 注意:等号前不能有空格,等号后必须有空格 例如: sc create MyService binPath="C:\Path\To\MyService.exe"DisplayName="MyService"start= auto 执行完成后,服务就会被创建。 使用sc命令查询服务,语法如下: ...
通过命令行创建Service的时候, 要设置参数start= auto表明Service为开机启动。 代码语言:javascript 复制 sc create “SERVICE_NAME” binpath="SERVICE_PROGRAM"displayname="SERVICE_DESCRIPTION"start=aut Windows Schedule Task Windows定时任务管理器,提供了强大的功能:可以定时的执行任务,除了按照时间去触发定时任务,也...
At the same time, option “4-Auto download and schedule the install” only valid if values exist forScheduledInstallDayandScheduledInstallTime. So, although you have configured to not re-start when there are log on users, automatically re-start will still happens at scheduled time. ...
sc.exe create Hello binPath="C:\Users\Guest\Desktop\test.bat"start=auto::启动服务 sc start Hello::删除服务 scdeleteHello reference (165条消息) 创建自定义的服务Windows NT service_sc create 创建服务_wsdhla的博客-CSDN博客 Create a user-defined service - Windows Client | Microsoft Learn ...
nssm set <服务名称> Start SERVICE_AUTO_START 登录身份 默认是本地系统帐户,也就是SYSTEM。 此外还可以设定是否与桌面交互,或使用其他登录身份。 nssm set <服务名称> ObjectName LocalSystem nssm set <服务名称> Type SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS 依赖服务 ...
hServiceEvent = CreateEvent(0,TRUE,FALSE,0); if(!hServiceEvent || !MyUpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING,NO_ERROR,0,2,1000)) { return; } // 运行服务 if( !MyExecuteService() ) { return; } ServiceCurrentStatus = SERVICE_RUNNING; ...