可以通过登录 DSM 或Synology Drive网络门户来检查硬盘是否已开机。 请确认您的网络连接稳定且工作正常。 检查连接信息IP地址/域名/ QuickConnect ID1、用户名和密码是否正确。 确保Synology Drive Server已在 DSM 中安装并且运行正常。 确保已在路由器上为Synology Drive Client设置端口 6690。 将Synology NAS的MTU最大...
ps. When I Deleted connection or uninstallled Synology Drive Client . Those folders are working properly like the rest (non-drive server) but when i tried to sync to same folder root It happened again.Thanks ain advance.Problem Solved.: iCloud PC on Windows made the problem, It did ...
如题,在windows下使用群晖synology drive同步了几个文件夹,但在群晖下却无法访问,所有的文档显示为快捷...
Version Drive Client on PC: 3.1.0-12923 Version Drive Server on NAS: 3.1.0-22920 from 18 May this happens Synology Drive Client for windows says "there is an unknown problem restarting Synology Drive Client" and "Unable to create synchronization on demand" I tried to uninstall and reinstall...
1、先在群晖的套件中心中安装synology drive server套件 2、打开synology drive管理控制台—团队文件夹—启用要同步的共享文件夹(不启用只能同 步家目录home下的文件) 3、PC安装synology drive client客户端(如图:可创建多个同步任务) 4、创建同步任务 (1)先在Windows硬盘上建好与群晖共享文件夹同名的文件夹(注意:多...
Synology Drive is the desktop utility that provides synchronization of computer services and data on multiple machines to a multi-service server. On a Windows system of your PC, you can freely download and install the application by following the instructions. Synology Drive has many features: ...
Step 3. Create anAllowrule for theWindows File Serverand clickOK. Then you can connect Synology as network drive on Windows 11. Windows setup Now, we will learn how to map a network drive on Windows 11 from File Explorer below, but if you are using Windows 10, you can find introduction...
This has been a bane of mine since I bought a Goflex drive years ago. It would appear in Windows Explorer upon system boot up and later vanish for no reason. The only way to get it back was a system reboot I now a have a Synology NAS with SMb enabled.
found the NAS just keeps beeping none stop. The next thing I did was log on to the server, and surprisingly it still worked. This post is mainly me documenting what happened, whatdidn’t happenand what can be done to prevent or prolong an eventual hard drive failure with your Syno...
Linux, configuration of X Windows server, Linux printer, administer users, groups and password [...] vast-talent.com 在此课程中,您会通过使用一个Windows操作系统来学习您在安装,维护和疑难排 解 Windows 9x,Windows 2000和Windows XP操 作系统时所需的特殊技能,从而提高您自己的技能。 vast-talent...