安装基于 Windows Server 2003 的产品后,将创建默认用户配置文件。 用户首次登录时,默认用户配置文件将复制到用户配置文件。 若要将脚本或程序配置为在新用户登录时运行,请执行以下步骤: 选择“开始”,然后选择“运行”。 在“打开”框中,键入regedit.exe,然后选择“确定”。
"The parameter is incorrect" when attempting to edit any .bat file on server 2008r2 enterprise "WMIC useraccount list" does not reveal any instances of the Win32_UserAccount however local useraccounts do exist on the server (IIS 8) Recieving 404.4 on HTTP while HTTPS works fine (INSUFF_AC...
Assign a Logon Script to a Profile for a Local User How to create security-enhanced redirected folders or home folders How to delete a user profile Logon issues when you enable "Run logon scripts synchronously" Managing User Profile Service slow link detection ...
Hello, i come here because i have a problem: I currently have an active directorie domain server on Windows Server 2012 R2, with a logonscript.vbs (script that allows you to do actions when connecting to a domain session). I would like to know how to change the location of personal f...
Similar, if you enable SmartConnect for Citrix/RDS session, if the user closes the session without logoff, the SmartConnect utility will run in the server-side user session and detect a reconnection. This way, when the user resumes a session, the logon script runs again and as the user ...
Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows 11 Original KB number: 324737Important The autologon feature is provided as a convenience. However, this feature may be a security risk. If you set a computer for autologon, anyone who can ...
提示 設定Windows Server 混合式雲端列印之後,您可以設定這些設定,然後部署到您的 Windows 裝置。控制台和設定設定應用程式: [封鎖 ] 會防止使用者存取 Windows 設定應用程式。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,Intune 不會變更或更新此設定。 根據預設,OS 可能會允許使用者在裝置上開啟 [設定] 應用程式。 系統:...
Someone logged/hacked into our server and deleted all the files. Is there a way to retrieve server logs from backup? All replies (2) Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:40 AM ✅Answered Hi, Thanks for posting in Microsoft TechNet forums. We can try this location: C:\Windows\System32\winev...
Logon Scripts优先于av先执行,我们可以利用这一点来绕过av的敏感操作拦截 注册表路径为:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment,创建一个键为:UserInitMprLogonScript,其键值为我们要启动的程序路径 效果如下 屏幕保护程序 在对方开启屏幕保护的情况下,我们可以修改屏保程序为我们的恶意程序从而达到后门持久化的目的 其中屏幕保护...
Hello, i come here because i have a problem: I currently have an active directorie domain server on Windows Server 2012 R2, with a logonscript.vbs (script that allows you to do actions when conne... https://newhelptech.wordpress.com/2017/07/06/step-by-step-configure-folder-redirection...