下面是【开机启动加速】和【开机启动优化】功能的具体使用方法,我们将以关闭Microsoft .NET Core(windowsserverhostingbundle.exe)自启动为例子讲一下流程 Microsoft .NET Core启动项关闭流程 1打开金山毒霸, 点击【百宝箱】 2在百宝箱的系统辅助中, 点击【开机加速】 ...
使能Web server并配置相关选项 windows桌面版系统 windows server版操作系统 安装.net core windows server托管工具包 1. 安装.NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle: https://aka.ms/dotnetcore.2.0.0-windowshosting 如果服务器没有连接互联网,应在安装hosting bundle前下载安装 microsoft visual c++ redistributable...
2、安装.net core运行时:https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download官网选择对应版本(注意我们是在服务器上部署,所以要在Run server apps 区域,选择Download Hosting Bundle): 3、启动iis管理器,如果在“模块” 中能看见AspNetCoreModuleV2表示安装成功; 4、在iis里新建网站:“网站”-》右键“添加网站”-》,网站名可...
I'm trying to install .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle on Windows Server 2008 R2 hosting IIS, but the setup is failing. from the log, I believe it's trying to download packages, which it can't do in our secured environment. I then tried running it with the /layout option, ...
I tried to install the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle on one of our windows server 2008 r2 servers. The install failed; I suspect it is because the server does not have access to the internet. I found a closed issue here that led me to believe it could be because it needs ...
.NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle 对应版本的.Net Core SDK 后面两个都装了,那就看看第一个Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable是个什么鬼吧 下载地址:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53840 下载完后安装,开始挺顺利,到结尾的时候一直卡在 正在处理window81—×64, ...
2.1. 在Windows Server上安装和配置Web deploy 2.1.1. 开启IIS服务 IIS(Internet Information Server)服务类似于Java的Tomcat,类似于一种容器,我们能将我们开发好的Web应用部署到IIS中。 按照以下流程开启IIS: 打开Server Manager 在Manage菜单下,选择Add Roles and Features 选择Role-based or Feature-based Installati...
For .NET Core 2, install the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting. Note If the system doesn't have an Internet connection, obtain and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable before installing the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle. Restart the system (or execute net stop ...
8.1 500.19 Internal Server Error 未安装Hosting Bundle 8.2 500.19 Internal Server Error 权限不足添加一个就好了,踩雷++ 8.3找不到页面 当前环境如果为测试环境,则启动Swagger,否则不启动,且.NETCORE WEB API项目默认就是测试环境,所以一旦发布到正式环境后,就不会运行启动Swagger代码。
For .NET Core 2, install the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting. Note If the system doesn't have an Internet connection, obtain and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable before installing the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle. Restart the system (or execute net stop was /...