Any service using .NET Core 3.1 after December 2022 will be at immediate security and compliance risk starting on January 13, 2023. Because of the security impact, there are no extensions and deferrals for these dates. Call To Action: Services using .NET 3.1 must migrate to, reco...
Step by Step on how to create a custom Windows Server 2019 CORE image for use in Microsoft Azure.
Any service using .NET Core 3.1 after December 2022 will be at immediate security and compliance risk starting on January 13, 2023. Because of the security impact, there are no extensions and deferrals for these dates. Call To Action: Services using .NET 3.1 must migrate to, reco...
Docker image 命令會列出容器主機上可用的映像。 這樣做的其中一個原因是,使用現有的容器映像作為新容器的基礎: docker docker images Docker run 命令會使用容器映像來建立容器。 例如,下列命令會建立以 Windows Server Core 容器映像為基礎的容器。 請勿在命令中指定隔離模式,因此 Docker 將...
In Windows Server 2019, our goal is to reduce the Server Core base container image to a third of its current size of 5 GB. This will reduce download time of the image by 72%, further optimizing the development time and performance. We are also continuing to improve the choices ...
1、 安装命令:Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name ServerCore.AppCompatibility~~~ 注意:必须是powershell命令行模式,安装完成后重启系统。 PS C:\Users\Administrator>Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name ServerCore.AppCompatibility~~~ 2、...
In Windows Server 2019, our goal is to reduce the Server Core base container image to a third of its current size of 5 GB. This will reduce download time of the image by 72%, further optimizing the development time and performance. We are also continuing to improve the choices available ...
The Windows Server Core base image is now a lot smaller, and will be a massive benefit for Windows applications that don’t use .NET Framework. They still contain the .NET Framework but only a much smaller set of the NGEN images as compared to the 1903 base image. ...
Because Windows Server 2019 is a Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) release, it includes theDesktop Experience. Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) releases don't include the Desktop Experience by design; they're strictly Server Core and Nano Server container image releases. As with Windows Server 2016, ...
新增至離線 WIM Server Core 映像 從Windows Server 2019 開始,Server Core 應用程式相容性功能隨選安裝 (FOD) 是選擇性功能套件,可以隨時新增至 Windows Server 安裝的 Server Core 安裝。如需其他功能隨選安裝的詳細資訊,請參閱功能隨選安裝。為什麼要安裝應用程式相容性 FOD?Server Core 的應用程式...