I opened the inf file and it appears the windows os code for Windows Server 2019, 2022 and 2025 is all missing. The driver does work for Windows 10 and 11. The computer is a Geekom XT12 Pro with an onboard Intel i255-v network card. I have tried everything...
Intel i225-V和i226-V的网卡驱动都可以按照上述方式进行安装。 此安装方法,支持Windows server 2019和Windows server 2022服务器版本,此驱动程序只支持1809或者后续版本的Windows版本,因此最老的Windows server 2016不支持,无法安装使用。
华硕主板越来越多的型号板载了Intel 2.5G的网卡,包括Intel i225-V和i226-V两个型号。如果操作系统是Windows10或者Windows11,驱动安装都很简单,但是如果操作系统是Windows server 2019或者2022 (不支持Windows s…
Windows Server 2022 family* 大小:29.8 MB SHA256:FD313714AB836E390A15B48FB9768287B4E176D3F2562E46FB9BB4D9676B8D9D详细说明 概述 Microsoft Windows* 下载软件包被拆分为驱动程序包和英特尔® PROSet包。必须先安装驱动程序包,然后再安装英特尔® PROSet包。 下载示例: 驱动程序包:Wired_driver...
华硕主板配置了Intel 2.5G网卡,包括i225-V与i226-V版本。在Windows Server 2019环境下,因系统版本所限,直接安装驱动时常出现问题。为解决此问题,需采用指定驱动文件并选择相似型号的方式来安装。以装有华硕ROG STRIX B760-G Gaming主板为例,操作路径如下:首先,确保Windows Server 2019系统正常运行...
I've had a long period of stability. I cleaned up the Intel drivers (except the Microsoft Intel driver that comes with Windows 11) and installed just Intel Ethernet Controller I225-V dated 2/2/2022. No disconnects that I noticed or Event Viewer so far. I hope Intel updates k...
华硕主板上搭载Intel i225-V和i226-V网卡在Windows server 2019环境下遇到驱动安装问题时,有特定的解决步骤。对于Windows 10和11用户,驱动安装相对简单,但对于Server 2019或2022(不支持2016版本)的用户,直接安装会报错。在这种情况下,需要通过手动指定驱动文件和选择相近型号的网卡来完成安装。以搭载...
This download record installs version 30.0 of the Intel® Network Adapter using Windows Server 2022*Available Downloads Download Wired_driver_30.0_x64.zip Windows Server 2022 family* Size: 32 MB SHA256: 59E736D505C4B2FEFC5B4B75FA820D1C70B548448D85CFF25EBEB91192636293 Download Wired_PROSet...
So what's the consensus here? Is this a driver issue? Presently the NIC says... lntel(R) Ethernet Controller (3) l225-V Driver Provider: lntel Driver Date: 2/15/2024 Driver Version: 1 .1 .4.43 Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Hard...
Electrochromic (EC) smart windows are highly efficient in preventing solar irradiation. Nevertheless, an insufficient automated monitoring and control syst