Evaluation 的话,例如 Standard 标准版评估版本,一般就是ServerStandardEval把后面 Eval 那四字母去了就是你的 Edition ID。 例如:我的就是 ServerStandard 。 将:Windows Server 2016 从 Evaluation 版转成正式版: 2、然后输入:DISM /online /Set-Edition:XXXXXX /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /Acc...
1.管理员模式运行cmd,输入命令:DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition,得到结果: C:\Windows\system32>DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition 部署映像服务和管理工具 版本: 10.0.14393.0 映像版本: 10.0.14393.0 当前版本为: 当前版本 : ServerDatacenterEval 操作成功完成。 其中ServerDatacenterEval去掉Eval后,就是当前的Edi...
for some reason i cannot activate windows server 2016 from evalution to standard i have bought the cd key im getting error 0x800F083. I reported the similiar issue last week it was solved with switching system language. But this is different error. Also i cannot unninstal or install any sy...
DISM/online/Get-CurrentEdition 查看看你的 Edition ID 是什么, 如果是 Evaluation 的话,例如 Standard 标准版评估版本,一般就是 ServerStandardEval 把后面 Eval 那四字母去了就是你的 Edition ID。 例如ServerStandardEval的就是改为ServerStandard ServerDatacenterEval也是同理 2. 转换版本 然后输入 DISM /online...
Windows Server 2016从Evaluation评估版转换成正式版,windows2106的版本转换https://www.lizi.tw/pc/5219.html
Hello iam trying to activate windows server 2016 evaluation to Windows server 2016 Standard but it allways show error 14081. When i tried to activate it via Settings it shows error this edition cannot be upgraded. prettyprint C:\Users\Administrator>DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions /english ...
在Command Line里就可以操作,只要服务器是能直接连到Microsoft servers。(可以连外网) This is the command to upgrade to Windows Server Standard: DISM /Online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C /AcceptEula...
In this guide, you will learn how to Convert Windows Server From Evaluation Version to Full Version Using DISM. Click here to get started.
1. 打开一个CMD, 运行下面的命令, 可以看到该OS是什么版本, 可以转为什么版本. DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions 2. 输入下面的命令来进行版本转换: DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /AcceptEula 3. 重启之后, 任务完成....
In Windows Server versions after 2016, if you've installed Desktop Experience evaluation versions, you can't convert them to Core retail versions. If you install the Standard Core evaluation version, you can convert it only to retail Datacenter Core, not to retail Standard Core. ...