当出现Press any key to boot from CD提示时,按任意键。 Windows 安装向导启动后,将显示 "Loading Files"(正在加载文件)屏幕。 继续执行 Windows 安装向导,直到出现语言本地化对话框。 选择语言和其他首选项,然后单击Next(下一步)继续。 此时将显示 "Install Now"(立即安装)屏幕。
当出现 "Press any key to boot from CD" 提示时,快速按下任意键。 此时将会启动 Windows 安装向导。 继续运行安装向导,直到出现 "Installation Type",然后单击 "Custom (advanced)"。 在"Where Do You Want To Install Windows" 屏幕中,执行以下过程之一: 要为Windows Server 2012 R2 添加大容量存储驱动程序...
Insert Windows Server 2012 DVD & boot your computer from DVD. Press any key to boot from DVD. Please wait while Windows is loading the installation files…Once completed you will see the following Windows Setup dialog box. Click NextClick on Install Now button....
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard System Requirements Required processor 1.4 GHz or faster 64-bit compatible processor Required memory 512 MB (2 GB for Server with Desktop Experience installation option) Required hard disk space 32GB available hard disk space ...
Change from retail key to volume license key Change Installation Source Path Change Logon Server Change Scanner Device Names Change Signature algorithm from sha1 to sha2 of self signed certificate for remote desktop Change the Computer Name on Windows Server 2012 R2 Changed msDFSR-options=0 to 1...
21. In the Answer File pane click onamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup_6.2.9200.0_neutraland configure the highlighted items below (use the same key as before). You can change the computer name, or leave it blank and it will create a random name upon installation. For a list of timezon...
Server 2012 R2 STD Eval won't accept VALID license key.. Server 2012 VPN Connectivity Error 742 RemoteAccess 20255 Server 2012R2 Sysprep fails - RunPlatformActions:Sysprep data was marked corrupt; cannot proceed Server not shutting down Shadow Copies for a Single Folder SQl Server 2012 Cluster ...
-InstallationMediaPath -InstallDNS -LogPath -MoveInfrastructureOperationMasterRoleIfNecessary -NoDnsOnNetwork -NoGlobalCatalog -Norebootoncompletion -ReplicationSourceDC -SkipAutoConfigureDNS -SiteName -SystemKey -SYSVOLPath -UseExistingAccount -Whatif ...
当你安装 Windows Server 2012 时,你可以在“服务器核心安装”和“完全安装”之间任选其一。 “带 GUI 选项的服务器”选项Windows Server 2012 等效于 Windows Server 2008 R2 中的完全安装选项。 “服务器核心安装”选项可减少所需的磁盘空间、潜在的攻击面,尤其是服务要求,因此我们建议你选择服务器核心安装,除非...
Key Management Service (KMS): KMS is a role service that allows organizations to activate systems within their network from a server where a KMS host has been installed. With KMS, IT pros can complete activations on their local network, eliminating the need for individual computers to ...