Windows Server 2003 使用命令行来配置防火墙 一、开启/关闭防火墙的命令 开启防火墙命令: netsh firewall set opmode mode=enable 关闭防火墙命令: netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable 二、netsh firewall 命令帮助 参数:?//显示命令列表add//添加防火墙配置delete//删除防火墙配置dump//显示一个配置脚本help//...
步骤2:打开注册表,展开:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,找到“Userinit”这个键值,这个键值默认为c:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,在它的逗号后面写上E:\server\3389.bat批处理的路径,同时末尾以逗号结尾,完整的路径是:“ c:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe, E:\server\3...
命令:netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable 查看防火墙状态: netsh firewall show state 4、查看开启的端口 命令:netstat -ano 5、开启3389端口(如果3389没有开启) 命令:REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal" "Server /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f 查看3389 端口 ...
Runs on Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family.You can use the Netsh Firewall context to monitor and configure Windows Firewall settings. Several new commands have been added to the Netsh Firewall context for Windows Server 2003 with SP1. The new commands correspond to new Windows Fire...
单击“开始”-“程序”-“管理工具”-“服务”,打开“服务”窗口,如图1-17所示,找到“Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)”,将启动类型选择为“禁用”,同时单击“停止”按钮,将“Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)”服务关闭。
Common Windows Firewall Scenarios Technologies Related to Windows Firewall Windows Firewall provides host-firewall protection on computers running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2). As a host firewall, Windows Firewall runs on each of your ...
Common Windows Firewall Scenarios Technologies Related to Windows Firewall Windows Firewall provides host-firewall protection on computers running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2). As a host firewall, Windows Firewall runs on each of your ...
Runs on Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family.You can use the Netsh Firewall context to monitor and configure Windows Firewall settings. Several new commands have been added to the Netsh Firewall context for Windows Server 2003 with SP1. The new commands correspond to new Windows Fire...
Windows Server 2003 Web版:为快速开发、部署Web服务与应用程序,提供Web托管与服务平台。支持2路 SMP(对称多处理)系统、2GB内存。 Windows Server 2003标准版:面向中小型企业和部门级应用。支持4路SMP、4GB内存。 Windows Server 2003企业版:适合中心与大型组织使用,有32位和64位两个版本。支持8节点集群、NUMA; ...
ICF(Internet Connection Firewall,互联网连接防火墙),一款基 15、于主机的防火墙,被集成到了Windows Server 2003中。ICF可以为直接连接到或通过其他方式连接到Internet的计算机提供基本的保护,从而避免Windows Server 2003服务器遭到外来的攻击。LAN、拨号、VPN以及PPPoE等连接方式都可以应用ICF。ICF还与Windows Server ...