Hello. The Windows Security icon is not showing up on my Windows taskbar. How do I get it back? The Windows Security icon in the taskbar provides quick access to the Windows operating system's various security features and settings. It
1. 首先第一步根据下图箭头所指,先点击右下角【通知】图标,接着点击【所有设置】图标。2. 第二步打开【设置】窗口后,根据下图箭头所指,先点击【系统】,接着点击【Windows HD Color设置】选项。3. 第三步在跳转的页面中,根据下图箭头所指,先点击【视频播放设置】,接着将【Windows Security not...
方法/步骤 1 点击电脑的右下角,点击所有设置。2 点击系统,点击右边的xx HD color设置。3 点击播放器设置,把第一行的Security notification icon关闭。4 关闭了如图,那么退出到桌面即可。
If Windows Security is not showing anything, start by running the System File Checker tool. Another idea is to perform a system restore if you have any restore points activated for your system. Update & Security is a special field integrated by default into the Windows 10 core system. This ...
win7系统Windows Security notification icon禁用方法: 1、首先我们进入命令行,如下图所示:通过services.msc进入服务,然后关闭安全警报的服务就行了,如图所示: 2、我们也可以通过我的电脑,鼠标放在图标上后,右键选择管理,然后选择服务和应用程序,如图所示:
很多win7旗舰版系统反馈启动项Windows Security notification icon图标开机驻留在任务栏,影响美观,能不能把启动项Windows Security notification icon关闭?答案是可以的,为此,接下来教程给大家分享win7关闭启动项Windows Security notification icon的方法。 具体步骤如下: ...
Double-click on HideSystray and set its value to 1 to hide and 0 to show the Windows Security icon. Note: If you are not seeing this key, right-click on the right window, and select New > Dword 32-bit, and name it “HideSystray”. Read: Can you suppress or disable Security Center...