Hide the Device security section You can choose to hide the entire section by using Group Policy. The section won't appear on the home page ofWindows Security, and its icon won't be shown on the navigation bar on the side. You can hide the device security section by using Group P...
Hardware security capability The last section of the device security page displays information indicating the security capability of your device. Here's a list of messages and details: Improving hardware security If the security capability of your device isn't what you'd like it to ...
Productivity apps, 1 TB of cloud storage, and advanced security We think you'll really like this. Unlock OneDrive The device security page of the Windows Security app is designed to manage the security features built into your Windows device. The page is divided into the followin...
和Windows更新服务一样,Windows安全服务也可以通过“设置-Settings”面板进行访问。 请查看上图,并将注意力集中在Protection areas(保护区域),其中包括: Virus & threat protection(病毒和威胁防护) Firewall & network protection(防火墙和网络保护) App & browser control(应用程序和浏览器控制) Device security(设备安...
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
Windows 安全中心应用的“设备安全”页旨在管理内置于 Windows 设备的安全功能。 页面分为以下部分: 安全核心电脑:如果你的设备是安全核心电脑,则显示有关安全核心电脑功能的信息 核心隔离:可以在此处配置保护 Windows 内核的安全功能 安全处理器:提供有关安全处理器的信息,该处理器 (TPM) ...
Device protection in Windows Security \n Windows Security provides built-in security options to help protect your organization's device from malicious software attacks. Start your security training with Device security. Walk through details and options for core isolation, security processor,...
4. 点选[Security Device Support]选项并设置为[Disable]5. 按压键盘F10键,点选Ok,保存选项,计算机重启后已完成关闭TPM AMD平台如何关闭TPM?1. 开机后,立刻按压键盘上的“delete”键,进入BIOS [EZ Mode]2. 按压键盘F7键,进入Advance Mode,如下图所示 (若开机后,按压键盘上的“delete”键后进入的是...
进去后把Security Device Support打开,并把AMD fTPM switch选项改为AMD CPU fTPM即可。如果是Intel平台,这里改成PTT即可。fTPM和PTT都是使用基于CPU的TPM模块,属于软TPM,但足够WIN11使用。 打开FTPM后,工具显示TPM版本符合需求,到这一步在硬件上已经没有障碍了。至于其他要注意的主要还是硬盘要GPT分区,引导方式需UEFI...