当证书有多个受信任的证书路径到根 CA 时,证书验证会失败 本文提供解决方法,解决网站在具有多个受信任的根 CA 证书路径时安全证书未颁发的问题。 原始KB 数:2831004 现象 当用户尝试访问受保护的网站时,用户会在 Web 浏览器中收到以下警告消息: 本网站的安全证书有问题。 本网站提供的安全证书并非由受信任...
HoloLens 2 - Advanced security baseline settings HoloLens 2 - Standard security baseline settings Windows 365 baseline settings Microsoft Tunnel command-line tools Windows update settings Error codes and descriptions Deprecated certificate connectors Scenario implementation guides Configure device settings Assign...
[S012] Administrator [{0}] creating certificate [upn: {1} sid: {2} rule: {3}]Certificate Definition: {4} Security Context: {5}] [S013] Administrator [{0}] deleting certificates [upn: {1} role: {2} Certificate Definition: {3} Security Context: {4}] [S015] Administrator [{0}]...
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. Security: The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat.
<#root> ERROR: Util::VerifyAll: signature verification failed : -2146762487 : A certificate chain processed, but <#root> Package could not be verified 確保已安裝所有必要的RootCA證書. 解決方案 步驟1.以管理許可權開啟PowerShell並運行命令. <#root> Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:LocalMachine\Root 結果...
Examples of 4889 Certificate Services set the status of a certificate request to pending. Request ID: 6 Requester: Attributes: Disposition: SKI: Subject: Authentication Service: Authentication Level: DCOMorRPC Top 10 Windows Security Events to Monitor Free Tool for Windows Event Collection ...
若要使用IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus保護存取以保護檔案系統檔案的安全,您必須建立憑證並管理其放置。 關於此作業 附註:如果還原服務無法載入憑證,則會刪除檔案,並建立新的自簽憑證及金鑰。 提示:如果IBM Spectrum Protect Plus檔案系統代理程式已執行,您將在下列位置找到自簽憑證及金鑰:%LOCALAPPDATA%\FSPA\。
ADFS 2.0 certificate error ADFS 2.0 error 401 ADFS error 180 and endpoints missing ADFS 2.0 error: This page cannot be displayed ADFS 2.0 service fails to start Availability and description of Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 C...
Security ID: ACME\administrator Account Name: Administrator Service Information: Service Name: krbtgt/acme Network Information: Client Address: ::ffff: Client Port: 50950 Additional Information: Ticket Options: 0x40810010 Failure Code: 0x18 Pre-Authentication Type: 2 Certificate Information: ...
Note:Your product key can typically be found in the confirmation email you received when purchasing Windows, within the packaging of your device, or on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) sticker located on the back or bottom of your device. ...