By default, the Windows Search service is set toDisabledin Windows Server 2016. It's because indexing of the volumes can cause problems in certain scenarios, including: Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) Running Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) with multiple simultaneous sessions. ...
本文提供在 Windows Server 2016 中重新啟用 Windows 搜尋服務 的步驟。 適用於:Windows Server 2016 原始KB 編號:3204979 徵狀 當您嘗試從 [開始] 功能表或從 Windows Server 2016 型電腦上的 Cortana 搜尋時,您可能不會收到任何結果或不一致的結果。
Sc config wsearch start=disabled Net stop wsearch EsentUtl.exe /d %AllUsersProfile%\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb Sc config wsearch start=delayed-auto Net start wsearch 有关如何对索引数据库进行碎片整理的详细信息,请参阅以下知识库文章: ...
2.Windows Search: This service indexes files quickly on your system but also slows down your computer and influences the performance. Using freeWise JetSearchas an alternative to it. 3.Windows Error Reporting Service&Connected User Experiences and Telemetry: These services collect usage data...
1,首先,右键点击“计算机”,菜单栏选择“管理”。2,进入计算机管理界面后,展开左侧的“服务和应用程序”,鼠标点击“服务”下一步。3,找到“Windows search”并右键点击“属性”打开。4,将启动类型改为“禁用或手动”,点击“停止”按钮关闭服务,接着依次点击“应用——>确定”即可。
The Windows Search Engine is currently disabled. Outlook will not be able to provide fast search results using the Instant Search functionality unless this service is running. Please contact your system administrator. You must ensure theWindows Searchservice is running. In Windows run prompt, typese...
操作方法:打开系统的开始菜单键入‘services.msc’,找到‘Windows Search’并右键点击,然后选择‘Disabled’关闭此功能即可。 评价:恩,这个确实没啥用,百年不遇,记得以前在xp上就不用,关了。省多少资源未知。 6. 更快的工具栏 任务栏缩略图预览功能是Windows 7系统新加入的一个超酷的特性,如果你想让任务栏预览显...
:: WdiServiceHost、WdiSystemHost、Fax sc config WSearch start= disabled^ & sc config wuauserv start= disabled^ & sc config diagsvc start= disabled^ & sc config DPS start= disabled^ & sc config WdiServiceHost start= disabled^ & sc config WdiSystemHost start= disabled^ ...
If the Windows Search service is configured to have theAllow service to interact with desktopoption enabled, the following Error event is also logged in the Application log: Source: Microsoft-Windows-Search Event ID: 3100 Task Category: Gatherer ...
关掉它,这样做.右键点我的电脑---管理---服务-服务--Indexing Service,启动类型改为禁用. 确定退出.--- Readyboost是用存储卡(U盘,"电子硬盘")提高开机时的速度,原理是,磁盘读不同轨道的数据的时候存在一个寻道时间,约8毫秒,不过积少成多,如果听到磁盘喀喀喀的读盘声就知道有多频繁了,1000次...